TestFunda.com is Hiring – Positions open for Content Author – Verbal Ability & Communication Skills

TestFunda.com is Hiring – Positions open for Content Author - Verbal Ability & Communication Skills
The team works on content (theory material, practice tests and full length tests) for CAT, XAT, SNAP, IIFT, NMAT, CMAT, UPSC Prelims, and Bank Exams
Recruitment Process:
To apply:
Walk- in for a written test to be conducted on Nov 9, 2013 at our office located at Lower Parel. Registration is compulsory.
Go to: http://testfunda.com/careers to register
Outstation Candidates can mail us with the subject line CA – VA.
About the Profile:
End-to-end responsibility for content (theory material, practice tests and FLT's):
Creation of impeccable content with relevant questions and solutions as per the nature and difficulty level of the exam
Sourcing of subject matter as per the questions asked in the actual exam
Editing content for accuracy, removing ambiguity, ensuring clarity of exposition and presentation
Improvements in the product
Answering doubts related to the course-ware
Freshers with a graduate or post graduate degree in any field can apply
Experience as a Content Developer / Faculty for MBA entrance exams will be preferred
Deep understanding of concepts, interest in language and an eye for detail
Excellent written and spoken communication skills
Meticulousness, with an innate desire for perfection
Ability to handle deadlines and responsibility
Ability to work in a team and multi-task
Willingness to work across functions in the team
Command over MS-Office and Google Docs
Based on performance in assignment and interview. Comparable with the best in the industry.
For any further queries, write to us at support@testfunda.com or call us at +9930005544
TestFunda.com - LEARN with THE LEADER in Online MBA Test Prep
About TestFunda.com
- TestFunda is backed by www.ZeusLearning.com. 3 IIT-IIM graduates form the Management Team.
- The 85+ member team has vast experience in MBA Coaching and Computer-Based Training and Testing.
- For 12 years Zeus has created award-winning courseware for companies like Discovery Channel, Reader's Digest, Texas Instruments, Pearson Education.
- The TestFunda Advisory Board comprises CEOs and MDs of international educational companies.
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