TESTfunda - CAT Question of the Day 23-Nov-13

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 Eminence Quiz on VA and GK
CAT Question of the Day
From the options, choose the one which can continue the paragraph most logically and consistently.

Atget's work represents the apogee of straightforward, transparent, no-frills photography, done with unmatched directness, unpretentiousness and thoroughness. His dedication to a self-imposed, encyclopedic task that went on for some 30 years - that of recording the vestiges of traditional French life before they were bulldozed by modernity - is surely a measure of this accomplishment.

 1)His photographs beautifully reflect the Proustian sense of times past and eras lost to modernity.
 2)So we would appear to have a choice between looking on Atget as an exemplary documentary photographer and seeing him as a formally innovative artistic genius.
 3)Given this rather strained effort to construct a chain of influence forward from Atget, it is peculiar that Mr. Szarkowski has nothing to say about how Atget may have been influenced by photographers who came before him.
 4)Indeed, his importance to us today is largely a matter of his position as a hinge joining 19th- and 20th-century ways of seeing the world.
Tip of the Day
Retaining information and facts from the passage is very important while solving RC questions. Pay special attention to building your retention skills while practicing RC. This can be done by preparing a mental summary after reading every passage and before answering the questions succeeding them.
Last year's Question of the day (22-Nov-12)
Consider points A(1, –3) and B(5, 2). Let P is a point on the line y = x. Find co-ordinates of P for which |AP + PB| is minimum.
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