TESTfunda - CAT Question of the Day 19-Nov-13

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CAT Question of the Day
Answer the question based on the passage given below.

The price of photovoltaic power has dropped by 50% in the last 18 months, and the trend seems very likely to continue in the medium term and beyond. With the right policy vision, it should be possible to leverage the path-breaking improvements in tapping the power of the sun to vastly improve our public finances, greatly boost mobility across the board and purposefully bring down soot, smoke and indoor pollution as well. The expert view is that since the cost of power using solar energy has dropped significantly in recent months, while the cost of conventional power has gone up, photovoltaic power today offers a cheaper alternative to conventional power. 

Which one of the following assumptions could explain the author's conclusion?

 1)Conventional power from fossil fuels, apart from being expensive, is also dearer in terms of its externalities like pollution.
 2)The cost of solar power today is less than half of the cost of what conventional power was 18 months ago.
 3)There have been no path-breaking technological improvements in the field of conventional power in the last 18 months.
 4)The cost of conventional power is expected to go up further while solar power will become cheaper.
Tip of the Day
The formula for calculating permutations is used when the order of the selected items matters while that of combinations is used when only the number of selected items matters, they may be selected in any random order.
Last year's Question of the day (18-Nov-12)
The function f(x, y), defined on the set of ordered pairs of positive integers, satisfies the following properties.

f(x, x) = x

y × f(x, y) = x × f(y, x)

(x + y)f(x, y) = yf(x, x + y).

Find f(14, 52).
 5)None of these
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