TESTfunda - CAT Question of the Day 30-Sep-13

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CAT Question of the Day
Answer the question based on the passage given below.

Human beings, like all other organic creatures, die and their bodies decay. Nevertheless, there is a widespread and long-standing belief that in some way death is survivable, that there is "life after death." A natural way of thinking would seem to be that mind-body dualism is a "survival-friendly" metaphysical view, whereas materialism is inimical to survival. This may or may not turn out to be correct. However, the logical possibility of dualist survival — specifically, of disembodied survival — has been seriously questioned. The general form taken by such questioning lies in the assertion that we have no "criteria of identity" for disembodied persons. When we make judgments about the identity of persons we are not making judgments about the identity of souls. We cannot make judgments about the identity of souls, because souls are said to be imperceptible. And because of this, the identity of a person over time cannot consist of the identity of the person's soul over time. What we are able to identify — and reidentify — is a person's body. 

 Which of the following best expresses the main concern of the writer in the above passage?

 1)The idea of survival after death cannot be considered without taking into account the nature of the human person.
 2)Once a person has died, that body decomposes in a grave, and can't be the basis for our identification of the person who is supposed to have survived disembodied.
 3)There is widespread belief in some sort of personal afterlife, in which the same individual that lived and died persists after death.
 4)Materialism is far more inimical to survival after death than is the mind body dualism.
Tip of the Day
If the remainder when a polynomial f(x) is divided by binomial of the form (xa) is R, then f(a) = R. This is also called the Polynomial Remainder Theorem.

Also, if (xa) is a factor of f(x), then a will be a root of f(x). This is because, if (xa) completely divides f(x) without leaving any remainder, then R = 0, and so f(a) = 0.
Last year's Question of the day (29-Sep-12)
For some integer m, the polynomial x3 – 2011x + m has the three integer roots - a, b and c. Find |a| + |b| + |c|.
 4)More than one of the above
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