TESTfunda - CAT Question of the Day 26-Sep-13

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CAT Question of the Day
Answer the question based on the passage given below:

A day after he was sworn in as India's president, Mr. Mukhopadhyay announced that he would open a Facebook account to receive and respond to the public's questions. Chief Minister of West Bengal Sananda Ghosh runs a popular and widely read website that traditional media outlets undermine daily. Similarly, Nasir Khan, the youthful Chief Minister of Jammu and Kashmir, regularly interacts on Twitter, and his much older Rajasthan and Kerala counterparts, Hemant Jhavar and Joms Jose, respectively, have opened Facebook accounts as well.
More than half of the Council of Ministers are now online, as is the statistics-dispensing Planning Commission, and most government offices are establishing a social-media presence. The prime minister's Twitter account has more than tripled its following in the last nine months, to almost 660,000. Indian political issues are being raised and debated regularly – and boisterously – across social media. The finance minister spoke to the public about the budget, not on TV, but in a Google Hangout. The Planning Commission and the Minister of Road Transport & Highways have also followed suit. Even 12% of India's population – the extent of Internet penetration today – makes the country the world's third-largest online market, and also the fastest growing for its size. Indeed, in terms of people online, India is expected to overtake the US by 2020.

Which of the following is an assumption made by the author?
 1)Politicians are likely to have a large fan following on social media forums such as Twitter and Facebook.
 2)Politicians consider social media to be a tool that facilitates public relations.
 3)Social media is an indispensable tool of communication, which politicians cannot afford to ignore.
 4)The outreach of traditional media is steadily diminishing in the digitized world.
Tip of the Day
Practice switching between solving different question types. This will help you prepare for the actual exam.
Last year's Question of the day (25-Sep-12)
Suppose that ab, and c are positive real numbers such that;

 4)None of the above
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