TESTfunda - CAT Question of the Day 18-Sep-13

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CAT Question of the Day
The statement(s) below are the summary of a paragraph. Choose the option that best represents the paragraph that was summarized.

As an evolved species that reached its modern form 30,000 BP or earlier in the late Pleistocene era, we members of the species homo sapiens share the same perceptual, affective, and cognitive systems. These not only register the way the world is, they organize our engagement with the world in ways that reflect our common interests and concerns. We want and need the necessities first for survival and then for raising children to an age at which they too can raise children to maturity, this being the measure of our successful evolutionary adaptation. That is, we seek and value fresh air and clean water, food, shelter, companionship, stimulation, cooperation and all the other means to survival.

Which of the following summaries best captures the essence of the paragraph?
 1)Humans have evolved into a society that is intertwined in very complex ways but their primary instinct remains survival and procreation.
 2)Humans share a common means of perception, response and thought and their influence on the world around them depends on it, despite this, they look for all means necessary for the survival of the human race.
 3)Humans need means that are necessary for their survival and adaptation, which decide how humans engage with their surroundings.
 4)Humans associate with the world in ways that best reflect the world around them; they look for the means necessary to further their progeny.
Tip of the Day
In Paragraph Summary questions, options that cover the key points of the paragraph, but change the tone of the paragraph, subtly or otherwise, are to be avoided. Look for options that address the essence of the paragraph.
Last year's Question of the day (17-Sep-12)
Let p, q and r are the roots of the cubic equation;

x3 – 3px2 + 3q2xr3 = 0,

Which of the following statement is definitely true?
 1)p + q + r = 0
 2)p = q = r
 3)p2 + q2 = r2
 4)More than one of the above
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