TESTfunda - CAT Question of the Day 02-Sep-13

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 CAT Crash Course
CAT Question of the Day
Answer the question based on the passage given below:

Most human societies in the Old Stone Age consisted of small groups that migrated regularly in pursuit of game animals and wild plants. But recent archeological research has shown that in a number of places natural conditions and human ingenuity permitted some groups to establish settlements where they lived for much of the year, and in some cases for generation after generation. These settled communities harvested wild grains that grew in abundance in many areas. After surviving for centuries in this way, some of these communities made the transition to true farming by domesticating plants and animals near their permanent village sites. Many Palaeolithic peoples who established enduring settlements did not advance to domesticated agricultural production, and in fact often reverted to a migratory hunting-and-gathering existence. The rejection of full-fledged agriculture and the reversion to migratory life-styles caution us against seeing farming as an inevitable stage in human development. There was no simple progression from hunting-and-gathering peoples to settled foraging societies and then to genuine farming communities. Rather, human groups experimented with different strategies for survival. Climatic changes, the availability of water for crop irrigation, dietary preferences, and patterns of procreation affected the strategy a particular group adopted. Only those groups involved in crop and animal domestication, however, have proved capable of producing civilizations.

According to the passage which of the following cautions us against seeing farming as an inevitable stage in human development? 

 1)Not all of the Palaeolithic communities that established settlements reverted to hunting and gathering existence rather than settled social existence.
 2)Climatic changes, availability of water for crop irrigation, dietary preferences and patterns of procreation have played a role in the manner in which groups of Palaeolithic people lived.
 3)Most human societies in the Old Stone Age consisted of small groups that migrated regularly in pursuit of game animals and wild plants.
 4)Most of the Palaeolithic peoples that experimented with settlements rejected farming and reverted to hunting and gathering existence.
Tip of the Day
Habits maketh a man (and woman). This applies to your CAT preparation as well. Rather than slogging it out on a few days when you are in high spirits, and taking some days off when don't feel upto the mark, make it a habit to study for a few hours everyday, no matter what. Your study regimen will help you perform on the day of CAT too - not because you feel good, but inspite of feeling pressured.
Last year's Question of the day (01-Sep-12)
Find the number of 5 digit palindromic numbers such that the central digit is the largest.
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