haggard [ HAG-erd ] | | [ noun, adjective ] | | MEANING : | | 1. (adj.) gaunt, worn or exhausted appearance 2. (adj.) wild-looking or distraught 3. (adj.) intractable or untamed 4. (n.) an untamed, adult hawk that has been caught for training | | USAGE EXAMPLE 1 : | | His haggard appearance was off putting.
| | USAGE EXAMPLE 2 : | | I'm really glad it's over, a tearful, haggard Mr Raja Petra said as he hugged his family and greeted supporters. BBC, Malaysia blogger's joy at release, 7 November 2008 | | bumptious [ BUHMP-shuh' s ] | | [ adjective ] | | MEANING : | | 1. crudely or loudly assertive; pushy 2. offensively self-conceited | | USAGE EXAMPLE 1 : | | The bumptious fool often spoke without thinking.
| | USAGE EXAMPLE 2 : | | Playing the part with a convincing mixture of bumptious charm and desperate vulnerability, Steve Coogan is a pretty good character actor if you can ever forget that this is Steve Coogan. Telegraph, Credit-crunch television that waves goodbye to greed, By Stephen Pile, 12 Dec 2008 | | engross [ en-GROHS ] | | [ transitive verb ] | | MEANING : | | 1. to absorb or completely occupy 2.to copy, transcribe or write in a clear, large hand 3. to monopolize, acquire, amass or collect the whole of something | | USAGE EXAMPLE 1 : | | The author was engrossed in writing a synopsis of his new novel.
| | USAGE EXAMPLE 2 : | | As we come towards the final stages of the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, we are engrossed in the hype surrounding new world records and gold medals galore. BBC, Students reflect on the Olympics, By Lewis and Alex from Comberton Village College, South Cambridgeshire, 20 August 2008 | | extrude [ ik-STROOD ] | | [ intransitive verb, transitive verb ] | | MEANING : | | 1. (tr.v.) to expel, force, thrust or push out 2. (tr.v.) to shape or form by forcing through a die 3. (intr.v.) to project, protrude or be extruded | | USAGE EXAMPLE 1 : | | The rocket was extruded into space and the loud bang accompanying it was heard for miles.
| | USAGE EXAMPLE 2 : | | Generally, spiders will extrude a silk from abdominal structures known as spinnerets. BBC, Sticky feet help tarantulas climb, 28 September 2006 | | galvanize [ GAL-vuh'-nahyz ] | | [ intransitive verb, transitive verb ] | | MEANING : | | 1. (tr.v.) to stimulate or spur by applying electric current 2. (tr.v.) to excite, stimulate or startle 3. (intr.v.) to react in a manner as though stimulated by means of electrics shocks | | USAGE EXAMPLE 1 : | | The people were galvanized into action on hearing the speech
| | USAGE EXAMPLE 2 : | | Meyer also held up a length of heavy, galvanized metal chain she said circus handlers employ to restrain the elephants. CNN, Judge hears case alleging circus elephant abuse, By Paul Courson, February 4, 2009 | |
Spelled Pronunciation Key Stress marks: [ CAPS ] indicates the primary stressed syllable, as in newspaper [NOOZ-pey-per ] and information [ in-fer-MEY-shuh' n ] CONSONANTS | [b] | boy, baby, rob | [d] | do, ladder, bed | [f] | food, offer, safe | [g] | get, bigger, dog | [h] | happy, ahead | [j] | jump, budget, age | [k] | can, speaker, stick | [l] | let, follow, still | [m] | make, summer, time | [n] | no, dinner, thin | [ng] | singer, think, long | [p] | put, apple, cup | [r] | run, marry, far, store | [s] | sit, city, passing, face | [sh] | she, station, push | [t] | top, better, cat | [ch] | church, watching, nature, witch | [th] | thirsty, nothing, math | [th'] | this, mother, breathe | [v] | very, seven, love | [w] | wear, away | [hw] | where, somewhat | [y] | yes, onion | [z] | zoo, easy, buzz | [zh] | measure, television, beige | | | VOWELS | [a] | apple, can, hat | [ey] | aid, hate, day | [ah] | arm, father, aha | [air] | air, careful, wear | [aw] | all, or, talk, lost, saw | [e] | ever, head, get | [ee] | eat, see, need | [eer] | ear, hero, beer | [er] | teacher, afterward, murderer | [i] | it, big, finishes | [ahy] | I, ice, hide, deny | [o] | odd, hot, woffle | [oh] | owe, road, below | [oo] | ooze, food, soup, sue | [oo'] | good, book, put | [oi] | oil, choice, toy | [ou] | out, loud, how | [uh] | up, mother, mud | [uh'] | about, animal, problem, circus | [ur] | early, bird, stirring | | | FOREIGN SOUNDS | [a*] | Fr. ami | [kh*] | Scot. loch, Ger. ach or ich | [œ] | Fr. feu, Ger. schön | [r*] | Fr. au revoir, Yiddish rebbe | [uh*] | Fr. oeuvre | [y*] | Fr. tu, Ger. über | | | SAMPLE NASALIZED VOWELS | [an*] | Fr. bien | [ahn*] | Fr. croissant | [awn*] | Fr. bon | [œn*] | Fr. parfum | [in*] | Port. Principe | | |
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