TESTfunda - CAT Question of the Day 28-Jul-13

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CAT Question of the Day
Arrange the jumbled sentences in order.
  1. Neumann imagined human interactions as a series of moves and counter moves aimed at maximizing "payoff ". 
  2. Modern game theory is generally dated to 1944, with the publication of von Neumann's Theory of Games and Economic Behaviour.
  3. However, in Jane Austen, Game Theorist, Michael Chwe of University of California argues that Austen isn't merely fodder for game theoretical analysis, but an unacknowledged founder of the discipline itself:
  4. Since then the discipline has thrived.

Tip of the Day
When three terms are in Arithmetic progression, the middle term is the arithmetic mean of the other two. It is always convenient to take three terms in an A.P. as a - d, a and a + d. Similarly four terms in A.P. could be taken as a - 3d, a- d, a + d and a + 3d.
Last year's Question of the day (27-Jul-12)
The number of solutions to the equation xesin x = cos x in the interval x ∊ (0, π/2) is;
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