3 months to CAT - Study Plan | Special Quizzes

 Exam Dates
CAT 2013 official dates have been announced. It is scheduled to be conducted from 16th October 2013. Have you started preparing for it yet?
We announce a special series of quizzes covering all the sections of CAT. Participating in these quizzes will help you in your preparation for the exam.
Take a look at the following table to know the schedule:
Date Topic Time
27th July Quantitative Ability - 1 7.00 pm
10th August Verbal Ability - 1
24th August Quantitative Ability - 2
7th September Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning
21st September Verbal Ability - 2
View the detailed topics for each quiz
Study plan for CAT
In order to assist you further with preparation for CAT, we present a detailed study plan for the next 3 months in the run up to the actual exam.
View the plan
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