ambience [ AM-bee-uh' ns; Fr. ahn*-BYAHN*S ] | | [ noun ] | | MEANING : | | atmosphere, feeling or mood associated with a place, person or thing | | USAGE EXAMPLE 1 : | | The ambience of the restaurant is designed to make it more welcoming and cosy.
| | USAGE EXAMPLE 2 : | | A bigger audience, a warmer ambience - Napier University's Sonic Fusion Festival, whatever its earlier shortcomings, ended with a flourish. The Herald, Research Ensemble, Canongate Kirk, Edinburgh, CONRAD WILSON, October 01 2008 | | condolence [ kuh' n-DOH-luh' ns ] | | [ noun ] | | MEANING : | | 1. expression of sympathy with someone who has been through a lot of pain, grief or misfortune | | USAGE EXAMPLE 1 : | | Condolences were offered by the Maj. General to the widows of army men.
| | USAGE EXAMPLE 2 : | | A spokesman for Great Ormond Street Hospital said: "The trust offers its sincere condolences to the family on this tragic death." Telegraph, Premature baby who suffered suspected glucose overdose has died, 03 Feb 2009 | | diadem [ DAHY-uh'-dem ] | | [ noun ] | | MEANING : | | 1. a crown 2. royal dignity or power | | USAGE EXAMPLE 1 : | | The Ravenclaw diadem was suspected to be one of the horcruxes in the Harry Potter series.
| | USAGE EXAMPLE 2 : | | Royal blue sapphires in ruffled petals studded in a dazzling diadem. The Times of India, 'I live in the moment', by Chitra Sanam, 29 Dec 2006 | | activism [ AK-tuh'-viz-uh'm ] | | [ noun ] | | MEANING : | | the use of direct, often confrontational action such as demonstrations or strikes as a means of achieving political or social goals | | USAGE EXAMPLE 1 : | | Activism is often the sought after tool of change during times of hardships.
| | USAGE EXAMPLE 2 : | | Mr Obama, who was elected on a slogan of "change" and whose campaign was built on grassroots activism, will be sworn in as the 44th President of the United States. Telegraph, Barack Obama inauguration: President-Elect invokes spirit of Martin Luther King , By Toby Harnden in Washington, 20 Jan 2009 | | demented [ di-MEN-tid ] | | [ adjective ] | | MEANING : | | 1. mad, insane or mentally ill or deranged 2. suffering from or showing symptoms of dementia | | USAGE EXAMPLE 1 : | | His demented rantings landed him in a mental asylum.
| | USAGE EXAMPLE 2 : | | The controversial statement, questioning the veracity of the battle spawned angry reactions with major-general Atma Singh (retd.) being derided as 'disloyal' and a 'demented mind'. The Times of India, Maj. Gen. Atma's remarks rapped, Vishal Sharma, 1 March 2008 | |
Spelled Pronunciation Key Stress marks: [ CAPS ] indicates the primary stressed syllable, as in newspaper [NOOZ-pey-per ] and information [ in-fer-MEY-shuh' n ] CONSONANTS | [b] | boy, baby, rob | [d] | do, ladder, bed | [f] | food, offer, safe | [g] | get, bigger, dog | [h] | happy, ahead | [j] | jump, budget, age | [k] | can, speaker, stick | [l] | let, follow, still | [m] | make, summer, time | [n] | no, dinner, thin | [ng] | singer, think, long | [p] | put, apple, cup | [r] | run, marry, far, store | [s] | sit, city, passing, face | [sh] | she, station, push | [t] | top, better, cat | [ch] | church, watching, nature, witch | [th] | thirsty, nothing, math | [th'] | this, mother, breathe | [v] | very, seven, love | [w] | wear, away | [hw] | where, somewhat | [y] | yes, onion | [z] | zoo, easy, buzz | [zh] | measure, television, beige | | | VOWELS | [a] | apple, can, hat | [ey] | aid, hate, day | [ah] | arm, father, aha | [air] | air, careful, wear | [aw] | all, or, talk, lost, saw | [e] | ever, head, get | [ee] | eat, see, need | [eer] | ear, hero, beer | [er] | teacher, afterward, murderer | [i] | it, big, finishes | [ahy] | I, ice, hide, deny | [o] | odd, hot, woffle | [oh] | owe, road, below | [oo] | ooze, food, soup, sue | [oo'] | good, book, put | [oi] | oil, choice, toy | [ou] | out, loud, how | [uh] | up, mother, mud | [uh'] | about, animal, problem, circus | [ur] | early, bird, stirring | | | FOREIGN SOUNDS | [a*] | Fr. ami | [kh*] | Scot. loch, Ger. ach or ich | [œ] | Fr. feu, Ger. schön | [r*] | Fr. au revoir, Yiddish rebbe | [uh*] | Fr. oeuvre | [y*] | Fr. tu, Ger. über | | | SAMPLE NASALIZED VOWELS | [an*] | Fr. bien | [ahn*] | Fr. croissant | [awn*] | Fr. bon | [œn*] | Fr. parfum | [in*] | Port. Principe | | |
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