TESTfunda - CAT Question of the Day 13-Jun-13

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CAT Question of the Day
Summer placements are conducted in an institute for a single week in December, starting from Monday and ending on Friday. A particular company has shortlisted three applicants - Omkara, Tyagi and Keshu - and will interview them during this week. The company will conduct exactly five interviews in this week with exactly one interview per day.
Further information about the interview schedule is given below:
  1. Each applicant is interviewed at least once.
  2. Omkara is interviewed twice, on consecutive days.
  3. Tyagi has to meet his friend Abhay on Wednesday and so cannot be interviewed on Wednesday.
  4. Keshu is not interviewed on Friday as he has to meet his friend Dolly.
  5. If Tyagi is interviewed on Monday, Keshu must be interviewed on Tuesday.
Which of the following statements is definitely false in the least number of cases?
 1)The person interviewed on Tuesday is also interviewed on Thursday.
 2)The person interviewed on Wednesday is also interviewed on Friday.
 3)The person interviewed on Monday is also interviewed on Thursday.
 4)Tyagi is interviewed on Monday and Thursday.
Tip of the Day
In Quant or DI questions do not waste time in finding the values of the variables as it may not be necessary. Sometimes we just need the ratio(s) and not the actual values.
Last year's Question of the day (12-Jun-12)
Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate set of words from the given options. 

His …………………………. comment about the celebrity's attitude and behaviour drew …………………………… reactions from the celebrity's die-hard fans.

 1)libellous, antagonistic
 2)congenial, hostile
 3)belligerent, acerbic
 4)acrimonious, apocryphal
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