TESTfunda - CAT Question of the Day 30-May-13

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CAT Question of the Day
Fx = 1! + 2! + 3! + … + x!

What will be the value of 3.1! + 4.2! + 5.3! + 6.4! +… + 19.17! + 20.18! in terms of F19?
 1)2(F19) – 19! – 1
 2)(F19) + 19! – 1
 3)3(F19) – 2.19!
 4)None of the above
Tip of the Day
Look out for a subtle change in meaning in each answer option in Paragraph Summary questions. The degree and tone of the option should resonate with the given paragraph.
Last year's Question of the day (29-May-12)
As of 2011, eight seasons have been broadcast and the show has been renewed for one more season. Each episode is titled with a quotation from it; unlike most episodic television, the episode title usually bears no relationship to any of the plotlines; the quote fragment being completely out of context. The show's 100th episode ("City of Great Racks") aired on October 15, 2007. To celebrate this, a casino-inspired party was held at West Hollywood's Pacific Design Center. Warner Brothers Television also distributed blue Micargi Rover bicycles adorned with the Two and a Half Men logo along with the words "100 Episodes." Each bicycle came with a note saying "You've made us very proud. Here's to a long ride together." The cast also gifted the crew with sterling silver key rings from Tiffany & Co. The key rings were attached to small pendants with "100" inscribed on one side and Two and a Half Men on the other. 

Which of the following can't be concluded from the above passage?
 1)Two and a Half Men is a very successful show.
 2)The person naming every episode of the show has a quirky sense of humour.
 3)Having a title that has no relation to the content of the episode is standard practice in episodic television.
 4)They gave away blue Micargo Rover bicycles to celebrate the 100th episode of Two and a Half Men.
 5)Warner Bros. television had something to do with the show.
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