TESTfunda - CAT Question of the Day 11-Apr-13

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 UPSC Scholarship Test
CAT Question of the Day
Answer the following based on the passage given below.

The development, defense, and contestation of preferential affirmative action has proceeded along two paths. One has been legal and administrative as courts, legislatures, and executive departments of government have made and applied rules requiring affirmative action. The other has been the path of public debate, where the practice of preferential treatment has spawned a vast literature, pro and con. Often enough, the two paths have failed to make adequate contact, with the public quarrels not always very securely anchored in any existing legal basis or practice. The ebb and flow of public controversy over affirmative action can be pictured as two spikes on a line, the first spike representing a period of passionate debate that began around 1972 and tapered off after 1980, and the second indicating a resurgence of debate in the 1990s leading up to the Supreme Court's decision in the summer of 2003 upholding certain kinds of affirmative action. 

It can be inferred from the passage that the "two paths failed to make adequate contact" mainly for which of the following reasons?

 1)The development of affirmative action proceeded along two clearly defined paths based on the rules made by the government and on the pros and cons of affirmative action.
 2)The discussion on affirmative action was more intellectual in nature and was not based on the existing legal and administrative procedures prevalent in the society.
 3)The public controversy regarding affirmative action took two different directions in the period from 1972 to 1980 and in the period from 1990 to 2003.
 4)The courts, legislatures, and executive departments of government took decisions that were completely against public sentiments about preferential affirmation.
Tip of the Day
Attempting RCs is a must even for test takers who are not confident in them as more than half the verbal section consists of RC questions. Those who do not attempt RCs at all go into the exam with an obvious handicap.
Last year's Question of the day (10-Apr-12)
How many numbers from 7, 13, 14, 21, 26, 39 and 91 divide (6912 − 3812)?
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