MBA Entrance Test Prep with New Range of Courseware

 CAT-XAT Scholarship
TESTfunda now brings you a whole range of revamped courseware.
(i) CAT FUNDA 2013 has a razor sharp focus on CAT: Get 100 lessons, 78 concept tests, 205 concept practice exercises, 32 full length tests.
(ii) CMAT Funda 2014 has a similar focus on CMAT: Get 50 Lessons with Solved Examples, 64 practice tests, 158 concept tests, 20 full length tests and more…
(iii) RANKBOOSTER 2013 has more than 6000 additional questions to practice.
If you are giving multiple entrance exams to maximize your chances:
(iv) CAT-XAT-IIFT Funda gives you CAT Funda plus study material and tests customized for XAT and IIFT.
(v) CMAT-SNAP-NMAT Funda gives you CMAT Funda plus study material and tests customized for SNAP and NMAT.
If you are looking at giving all the major entrance exams, then we have two COMBO PACKS comprising the A to Z of MBA preparation:
(vi) CAT-XAT-IIFT Funda + Complete Test Centre
You get CAT-XAT-IIFT Funda plus full length mocks for CMAT, NMAT and SNAP.
(vii) CMAT-NMAT-SNAP Funda + Complete Test Centre
You get CMAT-NMAT-SNAP Funda plus full length mocks for CAT, XAT and IIFT.
All our Courseware is available in Online, CD and Print format
Utilize our Ask-A-Doubt facility and keep on asking us questions till you are satisfied!!
Purchase here.
Please Note: Users, who have already bought old courseware from MBA 2013 courseware range, will get an upgraded access to the respective courseware. - LEARN with THE LEADER in Online MBA Test Prep
- TestFunda is backed by 3 IIT-IIM graduates form the Management Team.
- The 85+ member team has vast experience in MBA Coaching and Computer-Based Training and Testing.
- For 12 years Zeus has created award-winning courseware for companies like Discovery Channel, Reader's Digest, Texas Instruments, Pearson Education.
- The TestFunda Advisory Board comprises CEOs and MDs of international educational companies.
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