TESTfunda - CAT Question of the Day 17-Mar-13

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CAT Question of the Day
The following table shows four guess words of a perfect-misplaced game. Guess the word and find out how many of the letters are perfect and misplaced in it when compared to TOOL.

[Here perfect count denotes the number of letters in the guess word having the same position in the actual word. Misplaced count denotes the number of letters which are same but not in the same position as that in the actual word.]
 1)2 perfect, 1 misplaced
 2)1 perfect, 2 misplaced
 3)3 perfect
 4)3 misplaced
Tip of the Day
While calculating probability of events, multiple cases of a single event are represented by the sum of their probabilities whereas sub-events within a main event are represented by the product of their probabilities.
Last year's Question of the day (16-Mar-12)
Stephen King was born September 21, 1947, in Portland, Maine. When King was two years old, his father left the family under the pretense of "going to buy a pack of cigarettes," leaving his mother to raise King and his adopted older brother, David, by herself, sometimes under great financial strain. The family moved to De Pere, Wisconsin, Fort Wayne, Indiana and Stratford, Connecticut. When King was eleven years old, the family returned to Durham, Maine, where Ruth King cared for her parents until their deaths. She then became a caregiver in a local residential facility for the mentally challenged. 

As a child, King apparently witnessed one of his friends being struck and killed by a train, though he has no memory of the event. His family told him that after leaving home to play with the boy, King returned, speechless and seemingly in shock. Only later did the family learn of the friend's death. Some commentators have suggested that this event may have psychologically inspired some of King's darker works, but King himself has dismissed the idea.

What can we gather about King from the above passage?

 1)King was a recluse because his father left him while he was a kid and his mother had to take care of him under great financial strain.
 2)King had a few "darker" works – which meant that he was an artist and that he didn't always create sunny, happy things.
 3)King's commentators believe that his past shaped his works, but King doesn't necessarily agree.
 4)King's brain erased the memory of his friend's death because it was too traumatic for a child to bear.
 5)King is a really famous writer who rose from rags to riches.
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