TESTfunda - CAT Question of the Day 15-Mar-13

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CAT Question of the Day
There are 5 red, 2 green and 2 blue flags. Make a signal of 5 flags using them noting that repeating a colour is allowed.What will be the total number of possible flags if different arrangements are different signals?
Tip of the Day
Do not leave the questions with lots of calculations towards the end. The probability of making silly calculation errors increases towards the end of the test.
Last year's Question of the day (14-Mar-12)
In 1987, King released the second installment, The Dark Tower II: The Drawing of the Three, in which Roland draws three people from 20th-century United States into his world through magical doors. Grant published The Drawing of the Three with illustrations by Phil Hale in a slightly larger run of 30,000 copies, which was still well below King's typical initial hardcover print-run of a new book. King had believed that the Dark Tower books would only be of interest to a select group of his fans, and he had resisted releasing it on a larger scale. Finally, in the late 1980s, bowing to pressure from his publishers and fans who were searching for the books (at this point fewer than 50,000 of his millions of readers would have been able to own any of the Dark Tower books), King agreed to release The Gunslinger and all subsequent Dark Tower books in trade paperback and mass market formats. 

Why did King not release the Dark Tower books in trade paperbacks, initially?
 1)He did. The original Drawing of the Three had 30,000 copies.
 2)King wasn't expecting the Dark Tower books to do well, so he published only a few copies.
 3)King's fans weren't receptive of the Dark Tower books, so he printed only a few.
 4)King didn't want too many people to read the Dark Tower books.
 5)The Dark Tower books were a departure from King's usual style.
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