TESTfunda - CAT Question of the Day 13-Mar-13

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CAT Question of the Day
As they prepare for the World Cup, one cricketer must be moved from the India A team to the Indian team. The coaches will move the cricketer who has won the most man of the matches and who has the most man of the series. Sehwag had won 3 man of the matches and had won 2 man of the series before. Yadav had won 4 man of the matches and had been man of the series fewer times than Sehwag. Unadkant had won more man of the matches than Yadav and had more man of the series than Sehwag. Gambhir had won 3 man of the matches and 2 man of the series. Who will be moved to the Indian team?
Tip of the Day
While solving Algebra questions, be alert when it comes to positive and negative terms during expansion of binomial expressions.
Last year's Question of the day (12-Mar-12)
The Others appear to operate on the assumption that cancer is impossible on the Island ("One of Us"). Ben Linus appears deeply shocked when told he has a tumor on his spine, and Juliet notes the coincidence that Jack, a spinal surgeon, arrived on the island two days after Ben's condition was diagnosed. Similarly, Rose had been dying of cancer before crashing on the island. After the crash, she feels as if the cancer has "left her body" and, in "S.O.S.", credits her cure to the island. Jack contracts appendicitis while on the Island, which Rose observes is suspicious given that they expect their imminent rescue and the fact that she strongly believes that it is impossible to get sick on the Island.

Which of the following statements can be deduced about the island from the passage?
 1)The island has supernatural powers of "healing" the people that are on it.
 2)The island seems to be a metaphor of some sort for a physician.
 3)The people on the island are there by their own free will.
 4)The island is symbolic of the home that the people on it will never have off it.
 5)It is only believed that you can't get sick on the island, it is not proven to be true.
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