TESTfunda - CAT Question of the Day 17-Jan-13

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CAT Question of the Day
Three of the sentences labelled A, B, C and D form part of a paragraph. One sentence is out of context. Choose the ODD sentence for your answer.

A. Scott Adams wonders whether we could have a tax on stupidity and thereby reduce its prevalence over time.
B. Dilbert is one of Zenobia Aunt's favourite comic strips.
C. Not so long ago, Scott Adams, creator of the Dilbert comic strip, in his blog has mentioned that tax policy has    two purposes.
D. In fact, she reads this comic strip first, before turning over to the front page of the Economic Times.
Tip of the Day
Know each point and every word in your biodata by heart. Put in points that you are comfortable speaking about or expanding upon.
Last year's Question of the day (16-Jan-12)
Another major industry of the later Industrial Revolution was gas lighting. Though others made a similar innovation elsewhere, the large scale introduction of this was the work of William Murdoch, an employee of Boulton and Watt, the Birmingham steam engine pioneers. The process consisted of the large scale gasification of coal in furnaces, the purification of the gas (removal of sulphur, ammonia, and heavy hydrocarbons), and its storage and distribution. The first gas lighting utilities were established in London between 1812-20. They soon became one of the major consumers of coal in the UK. Gas lighting had an impact on social and industrial organisation because it allowed factories and stores to remain open longer than with tallow candles or oil. Its introduction allowed night life to flourish in cities and towns as interiors and streets could be lighted on a larger scale than before.

Which of the following can be concluded from the passage?
 1)The introduction of gas lighting had a positive impact on industrial organisation.
 2)Bolton and Watt, the steam engine pioneers, were also responsible for the widespread use of gas lighting.
 3)Impure coal was a better emitter of light than pure coal.
 4)There was no night life in cities and towns before gas light.
 5)Removal of sulphur, ammonia and heavy hydrocarbons made the gas useless.
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