TESTfunda - CAT Question of the Day 07-Jan-13

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 CMAT Test Centre
CAT Question of the Day
In the 20th century we were obsessed with introspection – the idea that the way to find meaning in our lives is to look inside us, at our drives, motivations and priorities. That introspective approach really comes out of psychoanalysis and the self-help industry. I think that's an old-fashioned idea. In the 21st century we need to balance introspection with outrospection – the idea that the way to discover how to live is to discover how other people see the world, to put yourself in their shoes and see how they have pursued the art of living.

What is the author's attitude towards introspecting?

 1)We need to do away with introspection and embrace outrospection.
 2)Only being fixated on introspection will not help us find meaning in our lives.
 3)The Self-help industry made huge money riding on the idea of introspection.
 4)Introspection is a good way of finding where our lives are heading.
Tip of the Day
While answering the questions of an RC, never assume the correctness of the outside knowledge that you may be having about the topic of the passage. There are certain questions that are deliberately framed in such a way so as to make this trap possible.
Last year's Question of the day (06-Jan-12)
In the late 1960s the term heavy metal was used interchangeably with hard rock, but gradually began to be used to describe music played with even more volume and intensity. While hard rock maintained a bluesy rock and roll identity, including some swing in the back beat and riffs that tended to outline chord progressions in their hooks, heavy metal's riffs often functioned as stand-alone melodies and had no swing in them. Heavy metal took on "darker" characteristics after Black Sabbath's breakthrough at the beginning of the 1970s, and in the 1980s it developed a number of sub-genres, often termed extreme metal, which were influenced by hardcore punk, and which further differentiated the two styles. Despite this differentiation, hard rock and heavy metal have existed side by side, with bands frequently standing on the boundary of, or crossing between, the genres.

What's the primary difference between hard rock and heavy metal?
 1)In hard rock, chord progressions were cleverly disguised in basslines, whereas in heavy metal, chord progressions were a part of riffs.
 2)Heavy metal is darker and angrier than hard rock, which has a more easygoing appeal.
 3)There is no difference between heavy metal and hard rock.
 4)Heavy metal is heavier on guitar riffs and back beats, hard rock has riffs that outline chord progressions.
 5)Heavy metal's riffs are complete by themselves, whereas hard rock displays its blues and rock and roll roots.
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