TESTfunda - CAT Question of the Day 22-Dec-12

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CAT Question of the Day
Answer the question based on the passage given below.

In Indian architecture, the dwelling is itself a shrine. A home is called manushyalaya, literally, "human temple". It is not merely a shelter for human beings in which to rest and eat. The concept behind house design is the same as for temple design, so sacred and spiritual are the two spaces. The "open courtyard" system of house design was the national pattern in India before Western models were introduced. The order introduced into the "built space" accounts for the creation of spiritual ambiance required for the dweller to enjoy spiritual well-being and material welfare and prosperity. A typical layout of a square building comes with a grid of 9x9=81 squares, meant for family persons (for scientists, artists and yogi a grid of 8x8=64 is prescribed). The space occupied by the central 3x3=9 squares is called Brahmasthanam, meaning the "nuclear energy field". It should be kept unbuilt and open to the sky so as to have contact with the outer space (akasha).

Which of the following can't be concluded from the passage?

 1)A temple and a home are both sacred and spiritual spaces.
 2)The West came up with the idea of the open courtyard system of house design separately.
 3)Thomas Edison would've needed a grid of 8X8 = 64.
 4)A home is not just a space for human dwelling, it's a temple.
 5)The nuclear energy field needs to have contact with outer space.
Tip of the Day
In the Jumbled Sentences questions, watch out for any chronology clues - specific order of events taking place one after the other.
Last year's Question of the day (21-Dec-11)
The _____ children harassed the baby-sitter, who claimed to be a _____ but actually was a _____ , having a/n _____ hold over her job.
The option that best fits in the above blanks would be:
 1)obstreperous, virtuoso, dilettante, tenuous
 2)vexatious, prodigy, virgin, trenchant
 3)truculent, dilettante, novice , gossamer
 4)biddable,  sound, colt, attenuate
 5)pugnacious, supernumerary, decrepit, cogent
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