TESTFunda Weekly Newsletter 11th October

Weekly Dose of GK and Current Affairs from Oct 4th to Oct 10th
This section will let you keep abreast of all the important news and latest happenings around the world without looking at different sources across the internet.
ATMA Exam Notification Out
ATMA entrance exam is scheduled to be conducted on 9th December
Reporter for the day
Here is your chance to bring out the journalist in you. Write a brief article on any topic from the current news and get your article published on TestFunda
Live Chat with Content Expert Gaurav Dave on the NMAT Experience on 12th Oct @ 5 p.m.
Expert Gaurav Dave will discuss his NMAT 2012 experience and help you with tips on how to be prepared for NMAT.
Live Chat with Content Expert Gaurav Dave on the CAT Experience on 13th Oct @ 5 p.m.
Expert Gaurav Dave will discuss his CAT 2012 experience and help you with tips on how to be prepared for CAT.
Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode presents BACKWATERS
Backwaters is the Annual B-School Meet of the Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode (IIMK). Backwaters will be held between 9th-11th November this year and will enthuse and excite all involved by throwing down the gauntlet to the next-gen MBAs with newer and smarter events.
NMAT Mock Test Series
4 National Level Mock NMATs
National Percentile | Solution Key | Detailed Analysis Report
@ Just Rs. 224/- instead of Rs. 299/-
1 Week Left for your CAT?
Mini CAT Test Centre
4 National Level iCATs + 6 Full length Tests
National Percentile | Solution Key | Detailed Analysis Report
Air India set to hit market with bond issue
Post receipt of unconditional guarantee from the government on its fund raising exercise, Air India is expected to hit the market with a bond issue worth Rs 7,400 crore. After delayed approval from the finance ministry, this development is expected to see the light of the day within a fortnight.
HDFC enters into partnership with Indian oil to set up banking services in rural India
HDFC bank has tied up with Indian Oil to utilize its Kisan Seva Kendras (KSKs) as the Bank's Business Correspondents. The bank plans to take in its fold 1000 KSKs through a phased manner and provide its services to a platform of 1,500 customers in semi-urban and rural India.
Haroche and Wineland win 2012 Nobel Prize for Physics and Sir John B. Gurdon and Shinya Yamanaka for medicine
Serge Haroche of France and David Wineland of the US have won the Nobel Prize for work in quantum physics that could one day open the way to revolutionary computers. The pair is being honoured for their pioneering optical experiments in "measuring and manipulation of individual quantum systems." In the field of medicine, the discovery of mature cells that can be reprogrammed to become pluripotent helped Sir John B. Gurdon and Shinya Yamanaka to bag the coveted Nobel Prize.
Indian Air Force puts women in combat roles
In a path breaking decision; Indian Air Force has decided to put two of its women Flight Lieutenants, Alka Shukla and M P Shumathi, in combat roles. They will be trained in bombing, rocket attack, combat search and rescue, and special heli-borne operations. This comes as a landmark decision in the male dominated Indian defense forces, stating that greater gender sensitivity was required in the armed forces.
Indian origin scientist leads Cambridge researchers' team to discover giant super massive black holes
A new group of enormous, rapidly growing super massive black holes in the early Universe has been discovered by a team of Cambridge researchers, spearheaded by an Indian origin scientist Dr. Manda Banerji. The black holes are 11 billion light years away.
India punched in the gut by IMF
India was hit by possibly its worst growth outlook cut, with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) slashing its forecast for calendar year 2012 to 4.9 per cent from 6.2 per cent in July. In its report, the IMF mentioned red tape, weakening business sentiment, a rising current account deficit and the rupee's depreciation for the cuts in forecasts.
Read these and more articles here
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