TESTfunda - CAT Question of the Day 30-Aug-12

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CAT Question of the Day
In the following questions, choose a pair that shows the same or similar relationship to the main pair.

 GALILEO: ACCELERATION ::____________ : ______________

 1)Newton : Motion
 2)Einstein : Relativity
 3)Fork : Cutlery
 4)Portion : Food
Tip of the Day
In the run-up to the real CAT, it helps taking some time off every day and rejuvenate the mind. For about an hour everyday, do what you really enjoy. This will help you relax and improve your concentration in the mock CATs and ultimately in the real CAT.
Last year's Question of the day (29-Aug-11)
A reagent is a "substance or compound that is added to a system in order to bring about a chemical reaction or is added to see if a reaction occurs." Although the terms reactant and reagent are often used interchangeably, a reactant is less specifically a "substance that is consumed in the course of a chemical reaction". Solvents and catalysts, although they are involved in the reaction, are usually not referred to as reactants.

In organic chemistry, reagents are compounds or mixtures, usually composed of inorganic or small organic molecules that are used to affect a transformation on an organic substrate. Examples of organic reagents include the Collins reagent, Fenton's reagent, and Grignard reagent. There are also analytical reagents which are used to confirm the presence of another substance. Examples of these are Fehling's reagent, Millon's reagent and Tollens' reagent.

According to the passage, what does a reagent do?
 1)A reagent speeds up a chemical reaction so that the effect can be observed quickly.
 2)A reagent is a substance that gets used up during a reaction.
 3)A reagent is a compound that is added to a system in order to bring about a physical reaction.
 4)A reagent is a substance composed of inorganic or small organic molecules that are added to a system that enables the reactant to dissolve.
 5)A reagent is a substance/ compound/ mixture that brings about a chemical reaction or a transformation on an organic substrate.
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