TESTfunda - CAT Question of the Day 06-Aug-12

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UPSC Funda
CAT Question of the Day
Fill in the blanks in the passage with the most appropriate set of words from the options for each blank. 

Poetry has a vital place in society, whether it's ………………. one or not. It exists; it is something people perversely do. Whether it gets formal ………………. is really not the ultimate point. True poetry gets ………………. ex post facto, when people understand that the poet is seeing something, knows something that they didn't. And that is the poet's ultimate ………………. – to change perception, to enter the language, to matter. There's nothing more ………………. than that.

 1)acceded, recognition, popularity, aim, blemished
 2)given, appreciation, criticized, recompense, unconventional
 3)conceded, acceptance, immersed, endeavour, blessed
 4)granted, acknowledgment, absorbed, reward, mainstream
Tip of the Day
Ensure you take out enough time for recreation and relaxation everyday in these last few days to CAT. It is as important, if not more, as staying in touch with all the 3 sections on an everyday basis.
Last year's Question of the day (05-Aug-11)
Gaga has identified fashion as a major influence. She considers Donatella Versace her muse. Gaga has her own creative production team called the Haus of Gaga, which she handles personally. The team creates many of her clothes, stage props, and hairdos. Her love of fashion came from her mother, who she stated was "always very well kept and beautiful." "When I'm writing music, I'm thinking about the clothes I want to wear on stage. It's all about everything altogether—performance art, pop performance art, fashion. For me, it's everything coming together and being a real story that will bring back the super-fan. I want to bring that back. I want the imagery to be so strong that fans will want to eat and taste every part of us."

What can we conclude about Gaga from the passage?
 1)Gaga is a firm believer in the cult of culture – a society where performance art is at its pinnacle.
 2)Gaga's mother has a major influence on the kind of personality she assumes on stage.
 3)Gaga is a singer and a stage performer.
 4)Gaga is a performer-song-writer with a tilt towards elegance and grace.
 5)Gaga creates an identity for each piece of music she writes that becomes larger than the song itself.
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