Special Newsletter for Working Professionals Month

TESTfunda Celebrates this July with the Working Professionals Month
Today India is emerging as a leader in the global Economy. The constant and dedicated efforts made by the corporate sector have won great accolades for our nation. At TESTfunda we want to say 'Thank YOU!' to the young and dynamic corporate India.
So all you corporate honchos, July officially is the TESTfunda Working Professionals Month!
We offer you a whole bouquet of activities till 31st July.
So, what do we have for you?
Why prepare for your MBA alone when you can do it with your friends? Get them along and prepare at prices that give a new meaning to "Value for Money"
Avail up to 50% DISCOUNT on TESTfunda courseware. We have created 10 slots of 3 days each and have included 15 companies in each slot. Refer to our company calendar for details
1. Pic of the Week Contest
2nd to 31st July
A theme based weekly photography contest. Capture your best moments at work, post them on our facebook wall and win up to 300 TESTfunda reward points!
2. Product Innovation and Marketing Plan Contest
2nd to 15th July
Have an original idea to create something NEW? Participate in our product innovation contest. We have very exciting prizes to offer!
1st Prize – A cash prize of 1000 INR + 300 TESTfunda reward points + publicity on our home page + a TESTfunda t-shirt + a certificate
2nd Prize - 100 TESTfunda reward points + a TESTfunda bag + a certificate
3. TIMELINE – "Your Company through the years"
coming soon
Use the timeline feature on our website and highlight the significant milestones your company has achieved! Earn a lot for investing some value based time.
1st Prize – Publicity on Website + a Certificate + 500 reward points + a TESTfunda T-shirt
2nd Prize - 300 points + a certificate
We have in store for you GK quizzes scheduled on 13th and 27th July, live chats with experts and a comprehensive study plan designed by our content faculty that will help you optimize the next 3 months to prepare for CAT and chart your own progress.
We look forward towards your active participation in making this July a BIG SUCCESS!
TestFunda.com - LEARN with THE LEADER in Online MBA Test Prep
About TestFunda.com
- TestFunda is backed by www.ZeusLearning.com. 4 IIT-IIM graduates form the Management Team.
- The 85+ member team has vast experience in MBA Coaching and Computer-Based Training and Testing.
- For 9 years Zeus has created award-winning courseware for companies like Discovery Channel, Reader's Digest, Texas Instruments, Pearson Education.
- The TestFunda Advisory Board comprises CEOs and MDs of international educational companies.
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