TESTFunda Weekly Newsletter 7th June 2012

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I am a TESTfunda user for the last 1 year and I find your material very powerful and useful and find it as one of the major emerging site in MBA coaching.
-Ankush Mittal, Delhi
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Nationalised banks inviting applications - UCO Bank, Allahabad Bank, Punjab & Sind Bank, Syndicate Bank
MBA & Other News
Nationalised banks inviting applications
UCO Bank, Allahabad Bank, Punjab & Sind Bank and Syndicate Bank are inviting applications through IBPS scores.
Common test for IITs, engineering colleges from 2013
A common national tests for admission to engineering courses across the country that takes into account Class XII board exam marks will be introduced from 2013. The decision, after two years of consultations and deliberations, was taken in a meeting with the joint councils of IITs, NIITs and IIITs.
IT companies hire from small city campuses, get ready talent and save on costs
Shikha Sharma, a second-year engineering student from Sachdeva College, near Chandigarh, earns from her institute while she learns. The college pays her Rs 5,000 every month for developing applications for local information technology firm, Drona Edutronics. Besides her 'salary', Sharma will also earn a share of the IT Company's net profit.
Luxury brands picky over staff, mandates resemble matrimonial ads
Global luxury brands setting up shop in India are taking care to choose sales staff who endorse the brand's appeal in look and act, in stores designed to encourage the well-heeled to splurge. Little wonder then, the attributes required of potential candidates for such jobs beat even the most ambitious matrimonial advertisements.
TestFunda Updates
WRITING ON THE WALL – Participate and win discounts, merchandise, reward points and more…
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Write on our wall in 50 words about 'What I like about TESTfunda'
The Contest begins Now!!!
Launch Free tests – CAT, NMAT, CMAT, SNAP, XAT and more
Attempt a full-length free test, Analyse your performance and then go about buying the other tests. You can do this for as many as 1different exams ranging from CAT and XAT to CMAT and UPSC Prelim CSAT and GS papers.
Launch Demo Lessons
Go through demo lessons, examine content and understand our instruction methodology. See how we teach before you decide to learn from us.
Purchase 1 courseware and get upto 1000/- off on the 2nd purchase
If the value of your second purchase is less than Rs. 1,000, you get it for FREE!!
Season II - MiniCAT #08 Saturday @ 4 PM
Now that you would have started off with your CAT preparation, it is important to keep in mind that all the learning of concepts and theory is meaningless if not followed by practice. Practice not only means solving problems and finding the ideal ways to do so, but also getting habituated to solving all these in an online environment and with limited time on your hands.
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- TestFunda is backed by www.ZeusLearning.com. 4 IIT-IIM graduates form the Management Team.
- The 85+ member team has vast experience in MBA Coaching and Computer-Based Training and Testing.
- For 9 years Zeus has created award-winning courseware for companies like Discovery Channel, Reader's Digest, Texas Instruments, Pearson Education.
- The TestFunda Advisory Board comprises CEOs and MDs of international educational companies.
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