TESTfunda - CAT Question of the Day 09-Jun-12

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CAT Question of the Day
In the following question a sentence is fragmented into four parts and labelled 1,2,3 and 4. One of the fragments may carry a grammatical/usage error in the context of the sentence. Choose the INCORRECT part for your answer. ( If there is no error Choose 5).

Manmohan Singh has said the government is (1)/committed to eradicate corruption (2)/from public life, by initiating stringent actions (3)/against corrupt officials (4)/ No error (5)

Tip of the Day
Don't judge a book by its cover and a question by how it appears at first glance. In every successive CAT, there have been easy questions camouflaged as difficult ones. Though it makes good sense to attempt the easy questions before the difficult ones as they carry the same marks, it always pays to have a closer look at the ones that seem difficult. Cracking or leaving them could make the difference between getting an IIM call or missing it.
Last year's Question of the day (08-Jun-11)
A word has been used in sentences in five different ways. Choose the option corresponding to the sentence in which the usage of the word is inappropriate.

 1)The Council parted over the issue of annual salary hikes for employees.
 2)She can always be depended on to take his jokes on part.
 3)It was due to the brilliant strategy on the part of the CEO that the company has turned profitable.
 4)Working overtime is part and parcel of my job profile.
 5)Ego issues forced them to part from one another.
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