CAT Question of the Day Only one of the highlighted words labelled A and B fits meaningfully in the context. Choose the correct combination from the options that would give a set of meaningful sentences in 1 to 4. i. My income is sporadic (A)/intermittent (B) rather than regular because I work for myself. ii. Some areas on the Western Ghats enjoy periodic (A)/ intermittent (B) rain showers all year round. iii. The team made laudable (A)/laudatory (B) efforts to create a mass movement against corruption in the bureaucracy. iv. My friend may be (A)/maybe (B) visiting me next week (A)/weak (B).
OPTIONS | | | 1) | ABAAA | | 2) | BAABA | | 3) | BABAA | | 4) | ABBBA |
Tip of the Day When three terms are in Arithmetic progression, the middle term is the arithmetic mean of the other two. It is always convenient to take three terms in an A.P. as a - d, a and a + d. Similarly four terms in A.P. could be taken as a - 3d, a- d, a + d and a + 3d. Last year's Question of the day (30-Jun-11) The mutual distrust and hatred has roots in antiquity with the Ottoman conquest of Constantinople in 1453, the Greek Revolution in 1821, numerous Greek invasions of the Ottoman Empire, the First Balkan War and especially the Greco-Turkish War of 1919-1922 in which Greece invaded and occupied Asia Minor following World War I (in which the two nations were enemies). The 1955 Istanbul pogrom in which Istanbul's (formerly Constantinople) Greek population of 250,000 was brutally diminished to around 3,000 today by Turkish government-sanctioned mob attacks, the Cyprus dispute throughout the 1950s and 1960s in which Greece aimed to annex the large island due to its overwhelming Greek population, and which led to the Turkish invasion in the same year.
Which of the following accurately sums up the reasons behind Turkey and Greece's enmity?
OPTIONS | | | 1) | Greco-Turkish War, Ottoman conquest, First Balkan War, World War I, 1955 Istanbul pogrom, Turkish invasion, Greek Revolution | | 2) | Turkish Invasion, Ottoman conquest, Greek Revolution, Greco-Turkish War, World War I, Greek invasions of Ottoman Empire, Istanbul pogrom, Cyprus dispute | | 3) | Ottoman conquest of Constantinople, Greek Revolution, Greek invasions of the Ottoman Empire, First Balkan War, Greco-Turkish War, World War I, Istanbul pogrom, Cyprus dispute, Turkish Invasion | | 4) | Ottoman conquest of Constantinople, Greek invasions of the Ottoman Empire, First Balkan War, Greco-Turkish War, government sanctioned attack from Greece, Istanbul pogrom, Cyprus dispute, Turkish Invasion | | 5) | Greek invasions of the Ottoman Empire, Greco-Turkish War, World War I, Istanbul pogrom, Cyprus dispute, First Balkan War, Turkish Invasion |
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