TESTFunda Weekly Newsletter 10th May 2012

Article Writing Contest
Student speak
I can't help expressing my deep admiration for the wonderful website you have created. The quality of material - questions, puzzles, articles - you have hosted is simply marvelous. Congratulations.
Reji T. Nair, Pathanamthitta
TestFunda Spotlight
Scorecard & National Percentile Calculator for UPSC
LIVE CHAT session with IIM Call Getter - Abhinav Prakash on 16/05/12 at 7.00 PM
Unleash the writer inside you!!! – Write an article and win CASH PRIZES and MORE…
TESTFunda is Hiring - Content Team Positions Open
MBA & Other News
IIM Indore Final List Out
IIM Indore has declared its final list for admissions in 2012-2014
IIM Trichy Final List Out
IIM Trichy has declared its final list for admissions in 2012-2014
IIM Udaipur Final List Out
IIM Udaipur has declared its final list for admissions in 2012-2014
IIM Rohtak Final List Out
IIM Rohtak has declared its final list for admissions in 2012-2014
IIM Ranchi Final List Out
IIM Ranchi has declared its final list for admissions in 2012-2014
UPSC to hold separate exams to fill vacant IPS posts
The Union Public Service Commission will hold three-day exclusive tests beginning May 20 to fill some of the over 1,300 vacant posts of Indian Police Service (IPS) officers across the country.
TESTFunda Updates
Scorecard & National Percentile Calculator for UPSC
To know how you fared and what your score (GS as well as CSAT) would look like, visit testfunda.com/upsc2012 (link to be made available shortly) on 20th May 2012 any time after 5:00 p.m. and enter the answer options that you marked in the paper. To check out our score calculator interface, click here
LIVE CHAT session with IIM Call Getter - Abhinav Prakash on 16/05/12 at 7.00 PM
Next week we have a live chat with Abhinav Prakash, who scored 99.98 percentile in CAT 2011 and got 9 IIM calls (Kolkata, Lucknow, Kozhikode, Raipur, Ranchi, Rohtak, Trichy, Udaipur and Kashipur).
Just log in to TESTfunda on 16th May, chat with Abhinav and ask as many questions as you want!
Unleash the writer inside you!!! – Article Writing Contest
Win Cash prizes, get featured on TestFunda.com and win other attractive prizes as well!
Write an article in 800-1000 words on ANY ONE of the following topics and mail it to us at support@testfunda.com
TESTFunda is Hiring - Content Team Positions Open
TESTFunda.com is looking to recruit talented graduates and post-graduates in its content team to design and develop courseware for national level aptitude exams. Please mail your CV to careers@TESTfunda.com with the appropriate subject line mentioned below.
MiniCAT #106: Saturday @ 4 PM
Now that you would have started off with your CAT preparation, it is important to keep in mind that all the learning of concepts and theory is meaningless if not followed by practice. Practice not only means solving problems and finding the ideal ways to do so, but also getting habituated to solving all these in an online environment and with limited time on your hands.
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Our sales representatives will help you out.
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TestFunda is Hiring
TestFunda is Hiring
TestFunda 2012 courseware
BankFunda 2011
TestFunda.com - LEARN with THE LEADER in Online MBA Test Prep
About TestFunda.com
- TestFunda is backed by www.ZeusLearning.com. 4 IIT-IIM graduates form the Management Team.
- The 85+ member team has vast experience in MBA Coaching and Computer-Based Training and Testing.
- For 9 years Zeus has created award-winning courseware for companies like Discovery Channel, Reader's Digest, Texas Instruments, Pearson Education.
- The TestFunda Advisory Board comprises CEOs and MDs of international educational companies.
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