TESTfunda - CAT Question of the Day 14-May-12

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CAT Question of the Day
In the following questions, choose a pair that shows the same or similar relationship to the main pair. 

CLAY: MALLEABLE:: _______: __________ .

 1)Youth : Abominable
 2)Child : Impressionable
 3)Old : Inflexible
 4)Glass : Brittle
Tip of the Day
Diversify your reading to different topics to reduce the challenge of attempting passages in the exam. Pick up topics that you have not read before and/or are your weak areas.
Last year's Question of the day (13-May-11)
The quake was a "strike-slip event with oblique motion" - mostly horizontal movement with some vertical movement. However, the vertical acceleration was far greater than the horizontal acceleration. The intensity felt in Christchurch was MM VIII. The peak ground acceleration (PGA) in the Christchurch area exceeded 1.8g (i.e. 1.8 times the acceleration of gravity), with the highest recording 2.2g, at Heathcote Valley Primary School, a shaking intensity equivalent to MM X+. This is the highest PGA ever recorded in New Zealand; the highest reading during the September 2010 event was 1.26g, recorded near Darfield. The intense ground shaking was unusually high for a 6.3 quake. The acceleration occurred mainly in a vertical direction.

Which of the following can be concluded from the passage?
 1)A strike-slip event is one that has mostly horizontal movement.
 2)This earthquake was the worst New Zealand had ever seen.
 3)In a 6.3 quake, the ground doesn't shake as much as it did during this earthquake.
 4)There was another earthquake in the same area in September 2010.
 5)New Zealand bears the brunt of earthquakes since September 2010.
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