TESTfunda - CAT Question of the Day 01-Jun-12

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CAT Question of the Day
Answer the question based on the passage given below.

According to one theory, certain memories are consolidated during REM sleep. Numerous studies have suggested that REM sleep is important for consolidation of procedural memory and spatial memory. A recent study shows that artificial enhancement of the non-REM sleep improves the next-day recall of memorized pairs of words. Tucker et al. demonstrated that a daytime nap containing solely non-REM sleep enhances declarative memory but not procedural memory. The role of REM sleep in memory, however, is not without its doubts. Monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors and tricyclic antidepressants can suppress REM sleep, yet these drugs show no evidence of impairing memory. On the contrary, some studies show MAO inhibitors improve memory. Moreover, one case study of an individual who had little or no REM sleep due to a shrapnel injury to the brainstem did not find the individual's memory to be impaired.

What is the biggest debate involving R.E.M sleep, as per the passage?

 1)Whether R.E.M sleep is needed for the consolidation of procedural memory.
 2)Whether R.E.M sleep is needed for the consolidation of spatial memory.
 3)Whether R.E.M sleep is needed for the consolidation of declarative memory.
 4)The difference between procedural, spatial and declarative memory.
 5)Whether R.E.M sleep is needed for the consolidation of memory.
Tip of the Day
In Fact, Inference, Judgement questions, it helps to take the elimination route rather than the selection route. Identify a statement which is definitely a Fact, an Inference or a Judgement, and eliminate options that do not qualify it accordingly. This will help you move closer to the right option.
Last year's Question of the day (31-May-11)
For the blank, choose a word for your answer that establishes a relationship similar to the capitalized pair.

RATIONALE: LOGIC :: Ratiocination: _______
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