TESTfunda - CAT Question of the Day 18-Apr-12

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CAT Question of the Day
The question below contains a paragraph followed by alternative summaries. Choose the option that best captures the essence of the paragraph.

Some of the ambiguity and controversy involved in defining atheism arises from difficulty in reaching a consensus for the definitions of words like deity and god. The plurality of wildly different conceptions of god and deities leads to differing ideas regarding atheism's applicability. The ancient Romans accused Christians of being atheists for not worshiping the pagan deities. In the 20th century, this view fell into disfavour as theism came to be understood as encompassing belief in any divinity.
 1)The ambiguity and controversy about the definition of atheism is due to the existence of differing ideas about god from particular deities to belief in any divinity.
 2)The debate about the definition of atheism arises from the plurality of conceptions about god ranging from the pagan deities of the Romans to the modern belief in divinity.
 3)A lack of consensus for and the changing definitions of words like deity and god have contributed to the difficulty in defining atheism, making it vague and controversial.
 4)Some of the ambiguity and controversy about the definition of atheism is due to the existence of differing ideas about god from particular deities to belief in any divinity.
 5)The ambiguity and controversy over the definition of atheism arise from the existence of deities ranging from the pagan deities of the Romans to the mere belief in divinity in modern times.
Tip of the Day
If all the coefficients of the different powers of x in an equation are positive, the equation does not have any positive root and if all the coefficients of even powers of x of an equation are of one sign and all the coefficients of the odd powers of x are of the opposite sign, the equation does not have any negative root.
Last year's Question of the day (17-Apr-11)
The question below consists of a paragraph in which the first and last sentences are identified. Choose the option that has the most logical order of the intermediate sentences.
  1. In 2006 a possible sighting was reported of a predicted but previously unobserved fundamental particle called the axion.
  2. The theory describes the binding of the elementary particles called quarks in protons and neutrons.
  3. The sighting was based on an experiment by Emilio Zavattini and colleagues in the PVLAS (vacuum polarization with a laser) collaboration at the Italian Institute of Nuclear Physics, Trieste.
  4. The axion was believed to have no spin, no charge, and a very small mass, which would make it very difficult to detect.
  5. They used a magnetic field to rotate the polarization of light in a vacuum.
  6. The existence of the particle was postulated in 1977 to explain an anomalous result of the field equations of quantum chromodynamics.
  7. The result could be interpreted as a manifestation of the axion, but the properties of the particle appeared to be far different from those that had been originally postulated.

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