TESTfunda - CAT Question of the Day 09-Apr-12

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CAT Question of the Day
Points P and Q lie on sides AC and BC of a ΔABC respectively with AB = 20 cm, BC = 12 cm and AC = 10 cm. PY is parallel to AQ and QX is parallel to BP such that Y lies on BC and X on AC. If A(ΔCXY) = 7.2 sq. cm, what is ℓ(XY)?
 1)7.2 cm
 2)8 cm
 3)9.2 cm
 4)10 cm
 5)Cannot be determined
Tip of the Day
Paragraph Completion questions in which the last sentence of the paragraph has been removed try to test your ability of arriving at conclusions. Choose the option which concludes or closes the paragraph in the best way possible, not an option which introduces new facts or continues an already mentioned idea.
Last year's Question of the day (08-Apr-11)
Diana went shopping. At the first store she spent 40 percent of her money plus four dollars. At the second store she spent 50 percent of her remaining money plus 5 dollars. At the third store she spent 60 percent of her remaining money plus six dollars. When Diana was done shopping at the three stores, she had two dollars left. How many dollars did she have with her when she started shopping?
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