TESTfunda - CAT Question of the Day 08-Apr-12

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TestFunda 2012 courseware
CAT Question of the Day
The question below contains a paragraph followed by alternative summaries. Choose the option that best captures the essence of the text.

The quarterly results season that is drawing to a close has revealed that corporate profits are back within a whisker of the all-time highs achieved before the downturn in late 2008. American profits are already back to 11% of GDP. Corporate America is reaping the rewards from cutting costs, especially in capital investment and labour, through an unpleasant mix of redundancies, reduced hours and lower pay. The great squeeze cannot go on forever, of course, but it shows no sign of slackening. Figures released on Friday August 6th show the unemployment rate remained steady at 9.5% in July, but non-farm payroll employment fell by 131,000, some 65,000 more than expected.
 1)The results released for the last quarter reveal that corporate America's profit is close to the all time highs before the downturn though unemployment has increased.
 2)The results for the last quarter show that corporate America has healthy profits after the downturn but profits are currently decoupled from jobs.
 3)The results released in August reveal that corporate America's profits after the downturn is 11% of GDP as unemployment rate remained at steady 9.5%.
 4)The results for August show that Corporate America's profits are close to the all time highs before the downturn at 11% of GDP and the unemployment rate at steady 9.5%.
 5)The results for the last quarter as well as for July and August show that corporate America's profits are at an all time high though they are disconnected from jobs.
Tip of the Day
Any prime number greater than 3 can be represented in the form of 6k ± 1. However, if a number is represented in this form, that does not necessarily mean that it is prime.
Last year's Question of the day (07-Apr-11)
Children living in flats have 45% more exposure to tobacco smoke than those in detached houses, a US study says. That is because the smoke seeps through walls and shared ventilation systems. The researchers tested cotinine levels in blood samples from 5,000 children across the US. They looked for cotinine - a product of nicotine and a highly sensitive marker for tobacco - in the children's blood. The study found that 73% of the children analysed were exposed to second-hand tobacco smoke. Overall, researchers found that 84.5% of children who were living in blocks of flats had a cotinine level that indicated recent tobacco-smoke exposure, compared with 79.6% of children who were living in attached houses and 70.3% who were living in detached houses.

The conclusion of the study would be seriously undermined if which of the following is NOT true?
 1)The sample in this study included children who were not confined to their flats and detached houses and had been exposed to public places where smoking was not banned.
 2)The sample in this study included children who lived in flats and in detached houses for an equal amount of time.
 3)Researchers limited the sample in this study to children who lived in a household where nobody smoked.
 4)Previous research has shown that passive smoking is a major cause of morbidity and mortality, even at low levels of exposure.
 5)Private sector landlords have so far not designated entire blocks as smoke-free to respect the choice and the health of the great majority of their tenants.
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