TESTfunda - CAT Question of the Day 31-Mar-12

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Gudi Padwa Offer
CAT Question of the Day
The question below contains a paragraph followed by alternative summaries. Choose the option that best captures the essence of the paragraph.

As the pioneer of research into the physiology and psychology of disgust, Paul Rozin, in a landmark experiment, put a sterilized cockroach in fruit juice and offered others chocolate fudge shaped like dog do. He asked whether subjects would wear Adolf Hitler's laundered sweater. Most people refused, even when they knew the cockroach and sweater were clean and that the fudge was in fact fudge. Mind conditioning proved too strong.
 1)The conditioning of the mind plays a pivotal role in our refusal of fruit juice with a sterilized cockroach in it, or fudge shaped like dog do.
 2)Paul Rozin's research shows that the conditioning of the mind plays a key role in our refusal of fruit juice with a sterilized cockroach in it, or fudges shaped like dog do.
 3)Experiments of Paul Rozin, the pioneer of research in the physiology and psychology of disgust, show that the conditioning of the mind plays a key role in our feeling of disgust.
 4)Experiments with fruit juice with sterilized cockroach in it, and fudge shaped like dog do show that the conditioning of the mind plays a critical role in the psychology of disgust.
 5)The psychology of disgust plays a pivotal role in people's refusal of fruit juice with a sterilized cockroach in it, or fudge shaped like dog do, though they know that these are clean.
Tip of the Day
If we take a point anywhere inside the parallelogram and join it with all the four vertices, we get four triangles such that the sum of the areas of both sets of vertically opposite triangles is equal.
Last year's Question of the day (30-Mar-11)
The question below contains a number of sentences. Each sentence has pairs of word(s)/phrases that are highlighted. From the highlighted word(s)/phrase(s), select the most appropriate word(s)/phrase(s) to form correct sentences. Then, from the options given, choose the best one.
  1. The animal (A) brayed / (B) braid all night, keeping all the residents of the small village awake.
  2. The horse would cantor / (B) canter over the fallen logs easily. 
  3. Don Juan was very callus (A) / callous (B) when it came to the women in his life; he moved from one to another with remarkable ease. 
  4. Serena was intrepid; hardly anything ever seemed to (A) phase / (B) faze her. 
  5. The lion attacked the (A) moll / (B) maul, while the gangster was preyed upon by the hungry bear.

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