TESTfunda - CAT Question of the Day 25-Feb-12

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CAT Question of the Day
x1x2 and x3 are in geometric progression. y1y2 and y3 are also in geometric progression with the same common ratio. (x1y1), (x2y2), (x3, y3) lie on
 1)a straight line not passing through the origin.
 2)a parabola passing through the origin.
 3)a straight line passing through the origin.
 4)a parabola not passing through the origin.
 5)a circle centred at the origin.
Tip of the Day
In questions based on Reading Comprehensions, certain options use words from the passage to induce a sense of familiarity in the reader's mind. Make sure to verify if these options are actually relevant to the question asked.
Last year's Question of the day (24-Feb-11)
The question below contains a paragraph followed by alternative summaries. Choose the option that best captures the essence of the paragraph.

Accent has various domains: the word, the phrase, and the sentence. Word accent (also called word stress or lexical stress) is part of the characteristic way in which a language is pronounced. Given a particular language system, word accent may be fixed, or predictable (e.g., in French, where it occurs regularly at the end of words, or in Czech, where it occurs initially), or it may be movable, as in English, which then leaves accent free to function to distinguish one word from another that is identical segmentally (e.g., the noun permit versus the verb permit). Similarly, accent can be used at the phrasal level to distinguish sequences identical at the segmental level (e.g., "light housekeeping" versus "lighthouse keeping," or "blackboard" versus "black board"). Finally, accent may be used at the sentence level to draw attention to one part of the sentence rather than another (e.g., "What did you sign?" "I signed a contract to do some light housekeeping." versus "Who signed a contract?" "I signed a contract to do some light housekeeping.").
 1)Accent works at the word, phrase and sentence levels. In English, at the word level it helps distinguish between segmentally identical words; in phrases with identical sequences; and in sentences, to emphasise the principal part of it.
 2)In English, accents help distinguish between words, phrases and sentences; the different meanings of 'permit'; the distinction between light house and lighthouse; or the stress on different words in a sentence.
 3)Accent has various domains; the word, the phrase, and the sentence. English has movable accents for words as in permit, stress on different segments of a phrase, and stress on different words in a sentence.
 4)In the English Language, accent works at the word, phrase and the sentence. Different stress in the word permit, different stress in the phrase light housekeeping and lighthouse keeping, stress on different words in a sentence are examples of the functions of stress.
 5)In the English Language, accent works at the word, phrase and the sentence. Different stress of the word permit, different stress in the phrase light housekeeping and lighthouse keeping, stress on different words in a sentence help distinguish to French or Czech.
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