TESTfunda - CAT Question of the Day 15-Jan-12

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CAT Question of the Day
At this juncture, on 16 October 1978, Poland experienced what many Poles believed to be literally a miracle. The Archbishop of Kraków, Cardinal Karol Wojtyła, was elected Pope, taking the name John Paul II. The election of a Polish Pope had an electrifying effect on what had been, even under Communist rule, one of the most devoutly Catholic nations in Europe. Gierek is alleged to have said to his cabinet, 'O God, what are we going to do now?' or, as occasionally reported, "Jesus and Mary, this is the end." When John Paul toured Poland in June 1979, half a million people heard him speak in Warsaw. John Paul did not call for rebellion, instead he encouraged the creation of an "alternative Poland" of social institutions independent of the government, so that when the next crisis came, the nation would present a united front.

According to the passage, which of the following isn't true?
 1)Communism did not encourage religion.
 2)The election of a Polish Pope wasn't expected by the people of Poland.
 3)The Polish Pope's election was a cause of worry for the Polish Cabinet.
 4) John Paul didn't want the people of Poland to rise up in arms against the communist Government.
 5) The people of Poland didn't want an alternative Poland with independent social institutions.
Tip of the Day
Learn to lead interviews by speaking keywords that attract interviewers to ask you follow-up questions on. This can make the difference between a successful interview, and an unsuccessful one.
Last year's Question of the day (14-Jan-11)
For any natural number n, S(n) represents the sum of digits of n. What is the maximum value of S(a) + S(b) + S(c), where a + b + c = 2011, and a, b, c are distinct natural numbers?
 4)None of these
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