TESTfunda - CAT Question of the Day 12-Jan-12

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CAT Question of the Day
If x, y, z are in G.P. and ax = by = cz then
 4)None of the above
Tip of the Day
Cultivate the ability to defend your opinions politely, rationally, logically, and effectively. Practice how to disagree without entering into an argument. This will serve you in great stead in the interviews.
Last year's Question of the day (11-Jan-11)
The question consists of a paragraph in which the first sentence is fixed and the sentences following it are jumbled. Choose from among the options the most logical order of the sentences.

  1. The statistics on World War II casualties are inexact. Only for the United States and the British Commonwealth can official figures showing killed, wounded, prisoners or missing from the armed forces be cited with any degree of assurance.
  2. There are no reliable figures for the casualties of the Soviet Union and China, the two countries in which casualties were undoubtedly greatest. Mainly for this reason, estimates of total dead in World War II vary anywhere from 35,000,000 to 60,000,000- a statistical difference of no small import.
  3. Civilian deaths from land battles, aerial bombardment, political and racial executions, war-induced disease and famine, and the sinking of ships probably exceeded battle casualties. These civilian deaths are even more difficult to determine, yet they must be counted in any comparative evaluation of national losses.
  4. Few have ventured even to try to calculate the total number of persons who were wounded or permanently disabled. However inexact many of the figures, their main import is clear. The heaviest proportionate human losses occurred in eastern Europe where Poland lost perhaps 20 percent of its prewar population, Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union around 10 percent.
  5. For most other nations, only estimates of varying reliability exist. Statistical accounting broke down in both Allied and Axis nations when whole armies were surrendered or dispersed. Guerrilla warfare, changes in international boundaries, and mass shifts in population vastly complicated postwar efforts to arrive at accurate figures even for the total dead from all causes.

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