TESTfunda - CAT Question of the Day 06-Jan-12

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CAT Question of the Day
A solid is in the form of a right circular cylinder with hemispherical ends. The total height of the solid is 19 cm and the diameter of the cylinder is 7 cm. The volume and total surface area of the solid are :
 1)641.67 cc, 418 sq cm
 2)614.67 cc, 418 sq cm
 3)641.67 sq cm, 418 cc
 4)None of the above
Tip of the Day
While calculating probability of events, multiple cases of a single event are represented by the sum of their probabilities whereas sub-events within a main event are represented by the product of their probabilities.
Last year's Question of the day (05-Jan-11)
The question below contains a paragraph with a missing sentence or part of a sentence. Choose the option that most logically completes the paragraph.

In the ancient Greek pantheon, Athena holds a special place. Athena's worship dates back to early times as the patron of Athens. Her persona persisted so much that many myths about her changed to adapt to cultural changes over the Ancient Greek eras. Initially revered as the goddess of wisdom, she was later the goddess of war. She was considered the companion of heroes on heroic quests. Athena, represented as a virgin, was also a strong enforcer of sexual modesty and virtue.____
 1)Athena was loved and respected by all.
 2)Plato surmised Athena to be derived from a Libyan Goddess.
 3)Such was Athena's role in ancient Greece.
 4)Athena did not have any consort unlike many other gods and goddesses.
 5)Nike the goddess of victory also needs mention in this context.
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