TESTfunda - CAT Question of the Day 02-Jan-12

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CAT Question of the Day
Find the sum to first n groups of (1) + (1 + 5) + (1 + 5 + 25) + (1 + 5 +25 + 125) + ….
 4)None of these
Tip of the Day
While solving the DI and QA sections, easy questions but with tedious calculations require prior attention. Do not leave them towards the end.
Last year's Question of the day (01-Jan-11)
All non-superconducting materials offer some resistance and warm up when a current flows. Thus, proper design of an electrical conductor takes into account the temperature that the conductor needs to be able to endure without damage, as well as the quantity of electric current. The motion of charges also creates an electromagnetic field around the conductor that exerts a mechanical radial squeezing force on the conductor. A conductor of a given material and volume (length × cross-sectional area) has no real limit to the current it can carry without being destroyed as long as the heat generated by the resistive loss is removed and the conductor can withstand the radial forces. This effect is especially critical in printed circuits, where conductors are relatively small and close together, and inside an enclosure: the heat produced, if not properly removed, can cause fusing (melting) of the tracks.

If T is the temperature, E is the quantity of the electric current, F is the radial squeezing force, V is the volume of the conductor, R is the resistance, then from the passage, we can conclude that:
 1)T varies according to R, and is directly proportional to E, while being inversely proportional to F.
 2)R leads to a loss of E, and F causes the T to shoot up.
 3)In printed circuits, the higher the T, the lower the E.
 4)If you use an insulator, there can be an unlimited amount of E passing through a conductor, provided there is no F.
 5)None of the above
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