TestFunda Weekly Newsletter 29th Dec 2011

25% Off On MHCET
Student speak
The wordlist is really helpful for updating the vocabulary
sheetal bhasin, Pune
TestFunda Spotlight
•  MH-CET 2012 dates announced!
•  TestFunda 3,00,000 users celebrations!!
•  TestFunda launches CMAT
CAT & MBA News
MH-CET 2012 dates announced!
Common Entrance Test for Admission to First Year of Two Years Full Time MBA/MMS/PGDBM/PGDM Course for the Year 2012-13 Candidates seeking admission to AICTE approved First Year of Two Years Full Time MBA/MMS/ PGDBM/PGDM Course for the Year 2012- 13 are hereby informed that:
The CET is rescheduled on 11 March 2012 instead of 26 February 2012.
Minority quota in govt institutes from 2012
Within minutes of the Cabinet clearance for 4.5% sub-quota for minorities within 27% reservation for OBCs, the HRD ministry issued a detailed gazette notification asking all the Central educational institutions to abide by the decision.
IIM-A's agribusiness management programme ranked world's No 1
Success in the green fields has been doubled up by the success in the classrooms in the state. Besides achieving one of the highest agricultural growths in the country, the Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad (IIM-A) in the state has been ranked as number one for its agribusiness management programme, across five continents.
MBA careers: More jobs, less pay
THERE is mixed news for business-school graduates searching for job in 2012, according to an annual survey of employers' hiring intentions carried by GMAC, a business school association. The welcome news is that around three-quarters of the 216 multinational firms which responded to the survey are looking to hire MBAs in 2012. This is up from 58% last year. Over half said that they will hire other business post-graduates, such as from Master's in Management programmes.
TestFunda Updates
TestFunda 3,00,000 users celebrations!!
2011 has been a truly fruitful year for us. As per tradition, we bring you schemes to celebrate this landmark.
As a part of the celebrations to cross 3,00,000 users, all users are eligible for a flat 25% off on ALL courseware! To avail of this offer, use the discount code 'THREELAKH' while making the purchase.
TestFunda launches CMAT
Most of you would have heard that AICTE is conducting the first ever online CMAT examination for admission to all management courses approved by AICTE. The first-ever CMAT will be held over a period of 9 days from 20-Feb 2012 to 28-Feb 2012 in 61 cities.
Crack the XAT Challenge with TestFunda iXATs
TestFunda provides its XAT Test Centre, comprising 4 iXATs, designed by our content experts. So, the test gives you the exact flavour of the actual XAT in terms of its content. The icing on the cake is that these iXATs are now available in the online format at only Rs. 259 instead of the original price of Rs. 399.
MiniCAT #68: Saturday @ 4 PM
Now that you would have started off with your CAT preparation, it is important to keep in mind that all the learning of concepts and theory is meaningless if not followed by practice. Practice not only means solving problems and finding the ideal ways to do so, but also getting habituated to solving all these in an online environment and with limited time on your hands.
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