insurgent [ in-SUR-juh' nt ] | | [ noun, adjective ] | | MEANING : | | 1. (adj.) rebellious, opposed to authority or mutinous 2. (n.) one who indulges in insurgent activities or one who revolts against authority | | USAGE EXAMPLE 1 : | | The leader of the insurgent group went into hiding in Burma to prevent being captured by security forces.
| | USAGE EXAMPLE 2 : | | Yet on Thursday, on Thai television a man claiming to represent 11 insurgent groups announced an immediate ceasefire. BBC, Thai insurgents 'call ceasefire' , By Jonathan Head, 17 July 2008 | | arbiter [ AHR-bi-ter ] | | [ noun ] | | MEANING : | | 1. umpire, judge or arbitrator 2. one with an authoritative and absolute power to judge | | USAGE EXAMPLE 1 : | | The President is the chief arbiter of justice with the power of issuing pardons to criminals facing death rows.
| | USAGE EXAMPLE 2 : | | The judgment subjected parliamentary action to judicial review and held that the Supreme Court was the final arbiter for testing the legality of any action The Times of India, Judicial activism a need of the hour, by Umesh Kumar Singh, 9 Apr 2007 | | unanimity [ yoo-nuh'-NIM-i-tee ] | | [ noun ] | | MEANING : | | everyone being of the same or undivided opinion | | USAGE EXAMPLE 1 : | | Unanimity among the jury is essential to reach a verdict of guilty.
| | USAGE EXAMPLE 2 : | | Unanimity among such strong-minded men of genius would be almost miraculous. Chronicles magazine, Shattering Lincoln's Dream, Joseph Sobran, 9 February 2009 | | lewd [ lood ] | | [ adjective ] | | MEANING : | | 1. indecent 2. obscene or vulgar 3. lecherous | | USAGE EXAMPLE 1 : | | The principal insisted that a measure of decorum had to be maintained on campus and warned that lewd behaviour in any form would not be tolerated.
| | USAGE EXAMPLE 2 : | | The teenager grabbed her arm and made lewd suggestions. BBC, Teenager sought over lewd remarks, 17 November 2009. | | woe [ woh ] | | [ noun ] | | MEANING : | | 1. (n.) wretchedness or deep distress 2. (n.) troubles or afflictions 3.(interj.) an exclamation of distress or lamentation | | USAGE EXAMPLE 1 : | | He was dejected because it seemed like his financial woes would never cease.
| | USAGE EXAMPLE 2 : | | Rainwater harvesting could prove a cheap, easy solution to Africa's water woes, according to a UN report. BBC, Rain capture answer to water woe, Richard Black, 13 November 2006. | |
Spelled Pronunciation Key Stress marks: [ CAPS ] indicates the primary stressed syllable, as in newspaper [NOOZ-pey-per ] and information [ in-fer-MEY-shuh' n ] CONSONANTS | [b] | boy, baby, rob | [d] | do, ladder, bed | [f] | food, offer, safe | [g] | get, bigger, dog | [h] | happy, ahead | [j] | jump, budget, age | [k] | can, speaker, stick | [l] | let, follow, still | [m] | make, summer, time | [n] | no, dinner, thin | [ng] | singer, think, long | [p] | put, apple, cup | [r] | run, marry, far, store | [s] | sit, city, passing, face | [sh] | she, station, push | [t] | top, better, cat | [ch] | church, watching, nature, witch | [th] | thirsty, nothing, math | [th'] | this, mother, breathe | [v] | very, seven, love | [w] | wear, away | [hw] | where, somewhat | [y] | yes, onion | [z] | zoo, easy, buzz | [zh] | measure, television, beige | | | VOWELS | [a] | apple, can, hat | [ey] | aid, hate, day | [ah] | arm, father, aha | [air] | air, careful, wear | [aw] | all, or, talk, lost, saw | [e] | ever, head, get | [ee] | eat, see, need | [eer] | ear, hero, beer | [er] | teacher, afterward, murderer | [i] | it, big, finishes | [ahy] | I, ice, hide, deny | [o] | odd, hot, woffle | [oh] | owe, road, below | [oo] | ooze, food, soup, sue | [oo'] | good, book, put | [oi] | oil, choice, toy | [ou] | out, loud, how | [uh] | up, mother, mud | [uh'] | about, animal, problem, circus | [ur] | early, bird, stirring | | | FOREIGN SOUNDS | [a*] | Fr. ami | [kh*] | Scot. loch, Ger. ach or ich | [œ] | Fr. feu, Ger. schön | [r*] | Fr. au revoir, Yiddish rebbe | [uh*] | Fr. oeuvre | [y*] | Fr. tu, Ger. über | | | SAMPLE NASALIZED VOWELS | [an*] | Fr. bien | [ahn*] | Fr. croissant | [awn*] | Fr. bon | [œn*] | Fr. parfum | [in*] | Port. Principe | | |
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