TESTfunda Daily Wordlist 03-Dec-11

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Daily WordlistVocabulary Flashcards | Vocabulary Test | Previous Wordlists
malapropism [ MAL-uh'-prop-iz-uh' m ]
 noun ]
 misuse of words, especially similar sounding ones, to create humour
 President Bush's tendency towards malapropism was well documented during his tenure in office.
 The president had been practicing, and the malapropism just slipped out ahead of schedule.
abcNEWS, Bush Loosens Up With Press, By Ann Compton, W A S H I N G T O N, March 29
cordon [ KAWR-dn ]
 noun, transitive verb ]
 1. (n.) a line of troops, police or military personnel that are guarding or enclosing an area
2. (n.) an ornamental braid or cord
3. (n.) a ribbon representing honorary or knightly order that is worn proudly diagonally across the breast
4. (tr.v.) to enclose, surround or encircle with a cordon to restrict movement in and out
 A huge police cordon was sent to guard the priceless art on display at the museum.
 Many people were pleading with police to allow them out of the cordon as they were trapped between two lines of officers.
Telegraph, Gaza protesters clash with police in London, by David Barrett, 11 Jan 2009
jibe [  jahyb ]
 noun, intransitive verb, transitive verb ]
 1. (intr.v.) to shift from side to side as a fore-and-aft sail when running before the wind
2. (intr.v.) to agree or accord
3. (tr.v.) to be the cause of such a shift
4. (n.) an act or instance of jibing
 The findings of the report did not jibe with the statements made by the parliamentary speaker.
 Anecdotal evidence from the previous seven administrations jibes with research into decision making.
CNN, Even presidents need time to chill out, David S. Martin, 9 December 2008
yield [ yeeld ]
 noun, intransitive verb, transitive verb ]
 1. (tr. v.) to produce
2. (tr. v.) to give over or accept defeat
3. (tr. v.) to provide a return on investment
4. (intr.v.) to be productive or produce a return on investment
5. (intr. v.) to surrender
6. (n.) a product or the quantity produces
 The orchard yielded fruit in abundance as the farmer had taken care of all the fruit trees in his orchard.
 But talks by ministers through the night yielded little progress, leaving officials frustrated as the negotiations remained mired in wrangling.
The Telegraph, Copenhagen climate summit: Gordon Brown and Barack Obama in talks, 18 december 2009.
congenital [ kuh'n-JEN-i-tl ]
 adjective ]
 1. pertaining to a condition present at birth, either inherited or caused by the environment
2. having a specified character by nature
 He is underweight because of a congenital defect in his digestive system.
 Erica Mohamed, 31, of Houston, Texas, is separated, and has a 6-year-old son, Jeremiah, with a rare congenital heart disease called Tetralogy of Fallot.
CNN, Health care reform: How it might work for real people, Elizabeth Landau and Madison Park, 23 March 2010.
Spelled Pronunciation Key
Stress marks: [ CAPS ] indicates the primary stressed syllable,
as in newspaper [NOOZ-pey-per ] and information [ in-fer-MEY-shuh' n ]
[b] boy, baby, rob
[d] do, ladder, bed
[f] food, offer, safe
[g] get, bigger, dog
[h] happy, ahead
[j] jump, budget, age
[k] can, speaker, stick
[l] let, follow, still
[m] make, summer, time
[n] no, dinner, thin
[ng] singer, think, long
[p] put, apple, cup
[r] run, marry, far, store
[s] sit, city, passing, face
[sh] she, station, push
[t] top, better, cat
[ch] church, watching, nature, witch
[th] thirsty, nothing, math
[th'] this, mother, breathe
[v] very, seven, love
[w] wear, away
[hw] where, somewhat
[y] yes, onion
[z] zoo, easy, buzz
[zh] measure, television, beige
[a] apple, can, hat
[ey] aid, hate, day
[ah] arm, father, aha
[air] air, careful, wear
[aw] all, or, talk, lost, saw
[e] ever, head, get
[ee] eat, see, need
[eer] ear, hero, beer
[er] teacher, afterward, murderer
[i] it, big, finishes
[ahy] I, ice, hide, deny
[o] odd, hot, woffle
[oh] owe, road, below
[oo] ooze, food, soup, sue
[oo'] good, book, put
[oi] oil, choice, toy
[ou] out, loud, how
[uh] up, mother, mud
[uh'] about, animal, problem, circus
[ur] early, bird, stirring
[a*] Fr. ami
[kh*] Scot. loch, Ger. ach or ich
[œ] Fr. feu, Ger. schön
[r*] Fr. au revoir, Yiddish rebbe
[uh*] Fr. oeuvre
[y*] Fr. tu, Ger. über
[an*] Fr. bien
[ahn*] Fr. croissant
[awn*] Fr. bon
[œn*] Fr. parfum
[in*] Port. Principe
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