TestFunda Weekly Newsletter 17th Nov 2011

Early Bird Offer
Student speak
I am really enjoying studying with Testfunda CD, really appreciate the efforts put in by the testfunda team.
Debjeet Gupta, Mumbai
TestFunda Spotlight
•  Crack Other MBA exams with TestFundas Other MBA Test Centre
•  LIVE CHAT session with our content expert, Gaurav Dave on 19/11
•  NMAT Test Centre @ Rs. 259/-
•  MBA2012 - Early bird offer
•  Final Lap to CAT 2011
CAT & MBA News
CAT paper being openly discussed
Before the Common Admission Test (CAT) was flagged off this year, much was made of the Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA). As per the policy formulated by the Indian Institutes of Managements (IIMs) to protect their intellectual property, a student found discussing CAT paper outside the confines of the examination hall would not just be imprisoned for three years but a fine of up to Rs 2 lakh would also be imposed on him.
Why students no longer pursue CAT doggedly
Perseverance and peer learning are vital in cracking CAT but the environment for both is lacking here as colleges focus on training students for campus interviews and students in turn look for getting into companies, say experts
Govt says 44 deemed universities must be de-recognised
Two lakh students are likely to need reassurance that their interests will be looked after now that their universities are on the verge of being de-recognised.The Centre has told the Supreme Court that 44 deemed or private universities which have been under scrutiny have failed to meet the government's standards. 14 of them are in Tamil Nadu and one in Puducherry.
TestFunda Updates
Crack Other MBA exams with TestFundas Other MBA Test Centre
Test Centre is now available in the online format at only Rs. 1088/- instead of the original price of Rs. 1675!!!
LIVE CHAT session with our content expert, Gaurav Dave on 19/11
With CAT about to get over, the focus now shifts to the major non-CAT exams. With only 2 weeks to go for IIFT, your preparation must have moved into the last lap. You must all have attempted our iIIFTs, analysed your performance and shortlisted some attempt strategies.
LIVE CHAT session with our content expert, Gaurav Dave onSaturday, 19th November at 5:00 p.m.
Crack IIFT with TestFunda iIIFTs
After CAT and NMAT, TestFunda now has its IIFT Test Centre, comprising 4 iIIFTs that help you get a feel of the exact exam pattern. After every test,  you get a plethora of detailed analysis reports along with the detailed solutions to help you improve your performance in the next iIIFT!.
The icing on the cake is that these IIFTs are now available in the online format at only Rs. 259 instead of the original price of Rs. 399!!!
MBA2012 - Early bird offer
To help you kickstart your preparation and give you the first mover advantage among your peers, TestFunda.com offers a bouquet of courses designed to meet your requirements. To help you start your preparation, TestFunda offers a special 20% discount on all 2012 courseware. Simply enter the discount code "EARLYBIRD12" in the discount code box in the shopping cart to avail this discount.
MiniCAT #56: Saturday @ 4 PM
Now that you would have started off with your CAT preparation, it is important to keep in mind that all the learning of concepts and theory is meaningless if not followed by practice. Practice not only means solving problems and finding the ideal ways to do so, but also getting habituated to solving all these in an online environment and with limited time on your hands.
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Our sales representatives will help you out. Book now!
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About TestFunda.com
- TestFunda is backed by www.ZeusLearning.com. 4 IIT-IIM graduates form the Management Team.
- The 85+ member team has vast experience in MBA Coaching and Computer-Based Training and Testing.
- For 9 years Zeus has created award-winning courseware for companies like Discovery Channel, Reader's Digest, Texas Instruments, Pearson Education.
- The TestFunda Advisory Board comprises CEOs and MDs of international educational companies.
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