TESTfunda - CAT Question of the Day 22-Nov-11

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CAT Question of the Day
 The first and last sentences are identified. Choose the option that has the most logical order of the intermediate sentences.

How green is my iPad?
  1. A book made with recycled paper consumes about two-thirds of a pound of minerals.
  2. But it's mostly sand and gravel to build landfills; they hold all the waste from manufacturing wafer boards for the integrated circuits.
  3. Here again, the greatest mineral use is actually gravel, mainly for the roads used to transport materials throughout the supply chain.
  4. That includes trace amounts of exotic metals like columbite-tantalite, often mined in war-torn regions of Africa.
  5. An e-reader also requires 79 gallons of water to produce its batteries and printed wiring boards, and in refining metals like the gold used in trace quantities in the circuits.
  6. One e-reader requires the extraction of 33 pounds of minerals.
And it requires just 2 gallons of water to make the pulp slurry that is then pressed and heat-dried to make paper.
Tip of the Day
Make sure that you have read the entire passage before answering questions based on main idea. A half read passage may lead to a bias towards some options and make you ignore the other options.
Last year's Question of the day (21-Nov-10)
Let ABCD be a square and O be a point inside that square. If OA + OB = OC = 2 × OD, then what is the ratio of OA to OB?
 1)1 : 2
 2)1 : 4
 3)1 : 6
 4)1 : 7
 5)1 : 8
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