TESTfunda - CAT Question of the Day 04-Nov-11

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CAT Question of the Day
Choose the most logical order of the sentences from among the given options.
  1. By literary theory we refer not to the meaning of a work of literature but to the theories that reveal what literature can mean.
  2. It is literary theory that formulates the relationship between author and work.
  3. All literary interpretation draws on a basis in theory but can serve as a justification for very different kinds of critical activity.
  4. Literary theory is a description of the underlying principles, one might say the tools, by which we attempt to understand literature.
  5. Literary theory is the body of ideas and methods we use in the practical reading of literature.
  6. Literary theory develops the significance of race, class, and gender for literary study, both from the standpoint of the biography of the author and an analysis of their thematic presence within texts.

Tip of the Day
Although an instinctive approach is better in solving questions based on grammar, a thorough knowledge of grammar rules and exceptions actually helps in verifying your answers and solving questions quicker.
Last year's Question of the day (03-Nov-10)
Dharmendra has three sons, Sunny, Bobby and Abhay.  Abhay scored good grades, so Dharmendra gave him N two rupee notes. Bobby got better grades, so Dharmendra gave him just enough 5 rupee notes, so that he gets more money than Abhay. Sunny got the best grades, so Dharmendra gave him just enough 10 rupee notes, so that he gets more money than Bobby. What is the maximum amount of money that Sunny can get?
 5)None of the above
CAT 2011 Pattern
UPSC 2012
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