CAT Question of the Day

                 CAT Question of the Day
(2)(4)b represents a number written in base b. For example 213 = 7. Find the smallest bsuch that (17)(3)b is a multiple of 7.
  1) 5
  2) 6
  3) 11
  4) None of these
Tip of the Day
The summary of a passage should not contain any elaborate examples from the passage. Always remember to eliminate options that have examples as part of the summary.
Last year's Question of the day (19-Oct-10)
The following question has a paragraph from which the last sentence has been deleted. From the given options, choose the one that completes the paragraph in the most appropriate way.

The validity of the reported move by revenue authorities to claim tax on the money that software companies make by sending their employees to work with companies overseas depends on whether these entailed manpower export or on-site delivery of software services. An activity qualifies as export if it earns foreign exchange. _________.
  1) So, the argument falls apart.
  3) So, onshore software development is an export activity.
  4) So, the revenue authorities do not view on-site software development as export of manpower.
  5) So, ambiguities in tax laws only add to litigation.
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