CAT Question of the Day
CAT Question of the Day
The first of the great Georgian clubs to popularize the glee was the Noblemen and Gentlemen's Catch Club of London,founded in 1762. Glee singing societies became popular in the 18th century and remained so, well into the 19thcentury. Glee clubs were at their most active during the second half of the 18th C., encouraging the production ofnew glees by awarding prizes to their composers. For example, in 1763 the Catch Club was offering four prizesannually - two for glees (one serious, one cheerful), one for a catch and one for a canon. From around 1850, aslarger choral societies supplanted the earlier clubs, the term glee club was increasingly used in the U.S.A. todescribe collegiate ensembles performing 'glees' and other light music in informal circumstances. As these gleeclubs began more to resemble standard choirs during the 20th century, the tradition of singing glees in a social contextfaded.Which of the following can be concluded about Glees from the passage?Tip of the DayWhile solving speed, time and distance problems, be alert when it comes to units. Watch out for km/ hr to m/sconversions especially.Last year's Question of the day (18-Oct-10)Raghu, manager of a dairy farm, has six containers of capacities 15, 16, 18, 19, 20 and 31 liters. One of these containersis filled with full-cream milk and the rest are filled with either toned milk or butter milk.It is further known that Raghu has twice as much butter milk as toned milk.If the price of full-cream milk is 30 rupees/liter while that of toned milk and butter milk are 20 rupees/liter and15 rupees/liter respectively, what is the total value (in rupees) of the contents of all the six containers?
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